英文片名 :The Manhattan Transfer & Take 6.The Summit.Live On Soundstage.2018
中文片名 :曼哈顿旅行者&Take 6 2018现场秀
类 型 :音乐
地 区 :美国
文件大小 :21.3G, 蓝光原盘 1080i
文件格式 :BDMV
音 轨 : DTS-HD Master Audio , LPCM
字 幕 :无中字幕


THE SUMMIT: The Manhattan Transfer meets Take 6 is one of the most unique and thrilling musical collaborations ever assembled. With twenty Grammy Awards between them, these two musically iconic groups have joined forces to perform together. This is an event!

Unlike other music co-bills or meetings, The Manhattan Transfer and Take 6 were not content to sing a set and simply join each other for a finale. They have created musical moments on-stage – singing and performing nearly a dozen songs together – during this show. You will experience the creativity, excitement, and renowned performances that only two phenomenal groups can bring to one stage, in-the-moment.

◎曲 目:

01. Mean Joe (Killer Joe) 6:52
02. Straighten Up And Fly Right 3:53
03. Tuxedo Junction 2:56
04. Candy 3:18
05. It’s Good Enough To Keep (Airmail Special) 4:24
06. Just In Time 3:59
07. I’ve Got Life 4:30
08. HAPPy 2:50
09. Like Someone In Love 3:37
10. Twilight Zone / Twilight Tone 0:51
11. Gold Mine 0:58
12. Route 66 0:49
13. Mary 0:53
14. Operator 1:58
15. A Nightingale Sang In Berkeley Square 4:08
16. Overjoyed 5:03
17. Stand By Me 3:40
18. Trickle Trickle 2:00
19. Boy From New York City 1:30
20. Birdland 6:12
21. What I’d Say 5:46

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