Title: Anna Netrebko & Dmitri Hvorostovsky: Live from Red Square, Moscow
Release Date: 2013
Genre: Classical, Opera Arias
Director: Frank Hof
Conductor: Constantine Orbelian
Composers: Giuseppe Verdi, Giacomo Puccini, Francesco Chilea, Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky, Imre Kalman
Artists: Anna Netrebko (soprano), Dmitri Hvorostovsky (baritone), State Academic Symphony Orchestra “Evgeny Svetlanov”, Grand Choir “Masters of Choral Singing” of the Russian State Musical TV and Radio Center OR Choir of the Academy of Choral Art

Production/Label: Deutsche Grammophon
Duration: 01:40:57
Quality: Blu-ray
Container: BDMV
Video codec: AVC
Audio codec: DTS, PCM
Video: MPEG-4 AVC 30000 kbps / 1920*1080i / 29,970 fps / 16:9 / High Profile 4.1
Audio#1: DTS-HD MA 5.1 / 48 kHz / 4167 kbps / 24-bit (DTS Core: 5.1 / 48 kHz / 1509 kbps / 24-bit)
Audio#2: LPCM 2.0 / 48 kHz / 2304 kbps / 24-bit
Subtitles: Italian, English, German, French, Spanish, Chinese, Korean
Size: 27,54 GB

俄罗斯当红歌剧女高音安娜尼特立哥(Anna Netrebko)与男中音季米特里霍洛斯托夫斯基(Dmitri Hvorostovsky)于2013年六月首度在红场举行歌剧盛会,演出多首威尔第及柴可夫斯基的经典作品,包括托斯卡、尤金•奥涅金、游吟诗人等经典歌剧的咏叹调及二重唱曲。当晚的演出由著名演唱会导演Frank Hof以18部高清摄影机选取最佳角度拍摄,配合次世代5.1环回立体声效,美丽的歌声再加上俄罗斯国家交响乐团的伴奏

Two of the biggest names in opera join forces for a live performance from historic Red Square in the heart of Moscow, captured in stunning sound and vision with 18 high definition cameras and 5.1 cinema surround sound.

Recorded at a superb live concert on 19 June 2013, Anna Netrebko and Dmitri Hvorostovsky return to their native Russia, singing a brilliant programme of popular arias and duets from some of the world’s best-loved operas, including Tosca, Eugene Onegin, and, celebrating Verdis bicentenary, Il trovatore.They are accompanied by Russias State Academic Symphony Orchestra “Evgeny Svetlanov” and the huge forces of the Academic Grand Choir Masters of Choral Singing, under the baton of Constantine Orbelian.

Every detail of the once-in-a-lifetime event is faithfully captured by director Frank Hof, whose work includes the memorable Anna Netrebko, Placido Domingo, and Rolando Villazon performance at Berlin’s Waldbuhne, which Classical CD Review called “an absolute knock-out”… The two brought “the audience to a stunned silence with the despairing aria from Eugene Onegin” Bloomberg reported.

7500 people were present on the Red Square, more than 400 cinemas have screened the concert worldwide. Channel 1 ( Russia) , ZDF (Germany) , Arte ( France, Germany) and ORF (Austria) all have been broadcasting the Red Square concert – literally millions of viewers have seen this great evening.


Eugene Onegin, Op.24
1. (Scene 1) Polonaise 1:44
La forza del destino
2. Overture (Sinfonia) 7:57
I vespri siciliani
3. “Merce, dilette amiche” 4:42
Don Carlo
4. “O Carlo, ascolta … Io morro, ma lieto in core” 3:49
Il Trovatore
5. “Vedi! le fosche notturne spoglie” (Anvil Chorus) 3:14
6. “Tacea la notte placida” -“Di tale amor” 7:28
7. “Tutto e deserto” – “Il balen del suo sorriso” 6:05
8. “Udiste? Come albeggi … Mira, di acerbe lagrime” 8:48
9. “Tre sbirri, una carrozza … Va’, Tosca!” 5:01
Andrea Chenier
10. La mamma morta 6:11
11. Va, pensiero 4:39
12. “Cortigiani, vil razza dannata” 5:24
Eugene Onegin, Op.24
13. Uzh kak po mostu, mostochku (Peasants) 2:21
14. (Scene 1) Polonaise 4:54
15. O! Kak mnye tyazhelo! 15:25
The Gypsy Princess (Die Csardasfurstin)
Translated by Vladimir Mikhailov and Dmitry Tolmachev
16. Khei-ia! Khei-ia! Tam, v gorakh 3:47
17. Ochi chyornye (Dark Eyes) 3:09
18. Podmoskovnye vechera (Moscow Nights) 5:11
19. Audience APPlause 1:03

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