HAMMERFALL live – An unforgettable experience of pure Swedish Heavy Metal with a stunning production, the band in top shape and an incredible crowd!

The Swedish saviours of Heavy Metal are back: the undisputed masters of ground-breaking anthems and unforgettable live shows, HAMMERFALL, will release their new live epos “Live! Against The World” on October 23, 2020. With an absolutely impressive, grand live production, huge arenas and overwhelming pyro shows, HAMMERFALL took over the world in 2019/2020 with their World Dominion tour. Now, they make their splendor available to every Templar around the globe. Recorded on February 15th at the MHP Arena in Ludwigsburg, Germany, “Live! Against The World” contains songs fresh off their latest album “Dominion”, mixed with a ton of band classics and a hand-picked selection of songs that rarely APPear on HAMMERFALL’s setlists to fulfill the needs of both new and old fans. The band around singer Joacim Cans and guitarist Oscar Dronjak did not only celebrate the great charting success of Dominion, but also the 20th Birthday of their legendary “Renegade” album with a phenomenal medley during the nearly two hour long concert. The show had everyone on their feet and banging their heads within no time and marks one of the many unforgettable evenings of pure Swedish Heavy Metal in the legendary HAMMERFALL manner.

The bombastic show starts on a high note with the HAMMERFALL’s smashing songs “Never Forgive, Never Forget” and “One Against the World” fresh from the new album. Adding in classics like “Any Means Necessary”, “Last Man Standing” and “Let The Hammer Fall” that show off HAMMERFALL’s legendary prowess on both vocals and instruments, the performance continues on to be both surprising and astounding. Special guest Noora Louhimo (Battle Beast) made it possible for HAMMERFALL to display their emotional side with their power ballade “Second To One” live on stage. “(We Make) Sweden Rock” got even the last person in the arena on their feet, bang their head and scream along with the unmistakably catchy lyrics. The show ends with the one song that belongs in every HAMMERFALL experience: the beautiful and heavy “Hearts On Fire”.


01. Intro
02. Never Forgive, Never Forget
03. One Against the World
04. Heeding the Call
05. The Way of the Warrior
06. Any Means Necessary
07. Hallowed Be My Name
08. Blood Bound
09. Redemption
10. Hector’s Hymn
11. Natural High
12. Second to One ( feat. Noora Louhimo )
13. Renegade Medley
14. Keep the Flame Burning
15. Dominion
16. The Dragon Lies Bleeding
17. Last Man Standing
18. Let the Hammer Fall
19. Hammer High
20. (We Make) Sweden Rock
21. Hearts on Fire
22. Credits

Music Videos
01. (We Make) Sweden Rock
02. One Against the World
03. Dominion
04. Second to One ( feat. Noora Louhimo )

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