


1. 《乡下的老鼠和城里的老鼠》The country mouse and the city mouse
2. 《狐狸和羊》The fox and the goat
3. 《飞行的乌龟》The flying turtle
4. 《狐狸与鹤》The fox and the crane
5. 《愚蠢的驴子》 The foolish donkey
6. 《下金蛋的鹅》The goose with the golden eggs
7. 《蚱蜢与蚂蚁》The grasshopper and the ants
8. 《北风与太阳》The wind and the sun
9. 《恋爱中的狮子》The lion in love
10. 《牧童与狼》The shepherd boy and the wolf
11. 《猴子王》The monkey king
12. 《老狮子》 The old lion
13. 《狮子与老鼠》The lion and the mouse
14. 《父亲、儿子、和他们的驴子》 The father, his son, and their donkey
15. 《狼与家犬》The wolf and the house dog
16. 《替猫戴上铃铛》Beling the cat
17. 《熊的耳语》The bears whisper
18. 《时髦的乌鸦》 The fashionable crow
19. 《金斧头》 The golden ax
20. 《青蛙与牛》The frog and the ox
21. 《儿子和他的母亲》The son and his mother
22. 《农夫和老鹰》 The farmer and the eagle
23. 《 青蛙和老鼠》 The frog and the mouse
24. 《 蚊子与狮子》 The mosquito and the lion
25. 《龟兔赛跑》 The rabit and the tortoise
26. 《披着狮皮的驴子》The donkey in the lions skin
27. 《农夫和他的儿子们》 The farmer and his sons
28. 《狗和他的倒影》The dog and his reflection
29. 《狮子和鹿》 The lion and the deer
30. 《狼与鹤》The wolf and the crane

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