

英文名称:Do You Know?
动画语言:英文发音 srt英文字幕


《Do You Know? 你知道吗》CBeebies 2016科普记录片简介

BBC学龄前频道CBeebies在2016年播出的少儿科普纪录片《Do You Know》,美女主持人Maddie Moate将带领孩子们一起,在轻松逗趣的风格中窥探身边的大千世界。仓鼠转轮有什么原理?消防车的水管是怎么工作的?碳酸水是如何产生的?大千世界中的各种现象都有什么令人称奇的科学原理呢,小朋友们对这些往往充满了疑问和兴趣,那么就让我们跟着Maddie Moate一起揭开这些疑问吧~!


《Do You Know? 你知道吗》CBeebies 2016科普记录片目录

S01E01: Hamster Wheel and Insect Hotel
Maddie visits a pet shop and uses a night-vision camera to find out how a hamster wheel works and visits a factory to see how an insect hotel is made.

S01E02: Fire Engine Hose and Reflective Strips
Maddie looks at the emergency services. She finds out how a fire engine hose works and sees how a police car uses special reflective stickers.

S01E03: Fizzy Water and Yoghurt
Maddie looks at food and drink. She finds out how bubbles get inside a bottle of fizzy water and sees how a factory turns milk into yogurt.

S01E04: Bin Lorry and Newspaper
Maddie does the recycling. She uses a special camera to find out how a bin lorry works and sees how old paper is recycled into newspapers.

S01E05: Bike Chain and Tennis Ball
Maddie uses a special camera to find out how the chain on a bicycle works and visits a factory to see how rubber is made into tennis balls.

S01E06: Cat Flap and Woolly Hat
Maddie meets some furry friends. She uses special cameras to learn how a digital cat flap works and visits a farm to see how fleece is sheared from a sheep.

S01E07: Boat Propeller and Hot Air Balloon
Maddie explores different ways to travel. She sees a boat propeller in action and visits a factory to see how a hot-air balloon is made.

S01E08: Blood Pressure Monitor and Cast
Maddie visits a hospital. She finds out how a blood pressure monitor works and visits the plaster room to see how a cast is made.

S01E09: Hot Water and Toothpaste
Maddie is preparing for bath time. She uses a special thermal-imaging camera to find out how the hot water system in a house works.

S01E10: Water Park and Ice Cream
Maddie goes for a fun day out. She visits an indoor water park and uses a special waterproof camera and animation to show how a water slide works.

S01E11: Popcorn and Pasta
Maddie explores some favourite foods. She visits a pasta factory to see how flour is mixed with water and turned into pasta dough.

S01E12: Helicopter Rotor and Tricycle
Maddie is out and about exploring different ways to travel. She visits an airfield and a workshop to see how a tricycle is constructed.

S01E13: Toilet Flush and Toilet
Maddie is in the bathroom. She uses a special underwater camera to find out how a toilet flush works and why it makes a gurgling sound.

S01E14: Carousel and Wax Crayons
Maddie visits a fairground and goes for a ride on a carousel, using a special camera to find out how it works.

S01E15: Crane and Bricks
Maddie visits a building site. She uses a special camera to see how a big crane works to move heavy objects from one place to another.

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