

动画名称:海底小纵队:登陆冒险 英文版第一季
英文名称:Octonauts: Above & Beyond
动画语言:英语发音 英文字幕
动画类型:冒险 | 科普 | 益智


本资源是NetFlix英语动画片《Octonauts: Above & Beyond 海底小纵队:登陆冒险》第一季的视频下载,动画共13集,每集播放时长约25分钟左右(每集包含2个故事),资源总大小共7.13G,mkv高清1080p分辨率,英语发音、默认英文字幕(可切换德文、发文、意大利文、简体中文等多国字幕),百度云网盘下载,适合4-7岁的儿童观看。

《海底小纵队:登陆冒险 Octonauts: Above & Beyond》是海底小纵队的全新系列动画片,于2021年在NetFlix播出。Octonauts将他们的探索扩展到海洋之外 – 并进入陆地!有了新的游乐设施和新朋友,他们将保护任何处于危险中的栖息地和动物。


S01E01 The Octonauts and the Skeleton Coast Adventure
S01E02 The Octonauts and the Land of Fire and Ice / The Octonauts and the Beetle Invasion
S01E03 The Octonauts and the Wild Windstorms / The Octonauts and the Siberian Salamander
S01E04 The Octonauts and the Hot Spring Snake / The Octonauts and the Devil’s Hole Pupfish
S01E05 The Octonauts and the Australian Outback Mystery / The Octonauts and the Antarctica Rescue
S01E06 The Octonauts and the Caterpillar Caravan / The Octonauts and the Curious Penguin
S01E07 The Octonauts and the Rocky Mountain Rockslide / The Octonauts and the Bamboo Rescue
S01E08 The Octonauts and the Hurricane Hunter Adventure / The Octonauts and the Little Goby
S01E09 The Octonauts and the Golden Mole / The Octonauts and the Giant Weta
S01E10 The Octonauts and the Sleepwalking Dormice / The Octonauts and the Harlequin Duck
S01E11 The Octonauts and the Mountain River Cave / The Octonauts and the Nine Banded Armadillo
S01E12 The Octonauts and the Fire Ants / The Octonauts and the Flying Foxes
S01E13 The Octonauts and the Puffin Colony / The Octonauts and the Monster Digger

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