

动画名称:克蕾欧与小酷 英文版
英文名称:Cleo & Cuquin
动画语言:英语发音 中文字幕
动画类型:亲子 | 启蒙 | 逆商培养


本资源是逆商培养英语动画片《Cleo & Cuquin 克蕾欧与小酷》第一二季的视频下载,第一季52集、第二季26集,动画共78集,每集播放时长约7分钟左右,资源总大小12.2G,mp4高清1080p分辨率,英语发音、中文字幕,百度云网盘下载,适合2-5岁的低幼儿童观看。



S1, Ep1 The Premiere
S1, Ep2 Ghostcatchers
S1, Ep3 Driving Pelusin
S1, Ep4 Hiccup Monster
S1, Ep5 Double Plie
S1, Ep6 Elementary Dear Colitas
S1, Ep7 Magic Cleo
S1, Ep8 The Championship
S1, Ep9 The Flower
S1, Ep10 Flying Tooth
S1, Ep11 A Day at the Beach
S1, Ep12 Meteor Shower
S1, Ep13 Power Up
S1, Ep14 Pijamas Party
S1, Ep15 Digging
S1, Ep16 My Little Big Band
S1, Ep17 Gym Challenge
S1, Ep18 Ghost Love
S1, Ep19 Colitas Bee Day
S1, Ep20 Tetes Project
S1, Ep21 The Ball
S1, Ep22 The First Day of Spring
S1, Ep23 HAPPy Birthday
S1, Ep24 Learning to Ride
S1, Ep25 The Big Game
S1, Ep26 Trapped by the Flowers
S1, Ep27 The Accident
S1, Ep28 Afternoon TV
S1, Ep29 Out on a Limb
S1, Ep30 Christmas day
S1, Ep31 The Vegetable Mystey
S1, Ep32 The Race
S1, Ep33 The Big Freeze
S1, Ep34 Toy ER
S1, Ep35 Off to school
S1, Ep36 Delivery
S1, Ep37 Juice, Please!
S1, Ep38 The Photo Album
S1, Ep39 The Secret is in the Sauce
S1, Ep40 Sea adventure
S1, Ep41 Anyone Can Draw
S1, Ep42 Sit
S1, Ep43 She Knight
S1, Ep44 Everyone VS Cleo
S1, Ep45 A halloween nightmare
S1, Ep46 Little paper planes
S1, Ep47 The legend of Captain Claw
S1, Ep48 Pool party
S1, Ep49 Cops and robbers
S1, Ep50 Watering day
S1, Ep51 Flute age
S1, Ep52 Here comes the wolf!

S2, Ep1 The spaceship
S2, Ep2 Snowy search
S2, Ep3 Marisphinx
S2, Ep4 The egg
S2, Ep5 The video game
S2, Ep6 Goals on ice
S2, Ep7 Arctic architecture
S2, Ep8 Cleos circus
S2, Ep9 Vacation time
S2, Ep10 Evening adventure
S2, Ep11 Tree house TLC
S2, Ep12 A spacetastic birthday
S2, Ep13 Tetes glasses
S2, Ep14 Odins giant egg
S2, Ep15 Ghoul school
S2, Ep16 A gigantic world
S2, Ep17 A new friend
S2, Ep18 Hidden treasures
S2, Ep19 Winter games
S2, Ep20 The mistery of the shed
S2, Ep21 Save the forest!
S2, Ep22 The dance
S2, Ep23 A picnic by the lake
S2, Ep24 Say cheese
S2, Ep25 Big foots big itch
S2, Ep26 The blackout

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