
A day in the life of a musical genius

Drama and reality combine in a fictitious 24 hours in the life of musician and international cultural icon, Nick Cave. With startlingly frank insights and an intimate portrayal of the artistic process, the film examines what makes us who we are, and celebrates the transformative power of the creative spirit.

Featuring APPearances by longtime Cave collaborators Ray Winstone, Blixa Bargeld, Warren Ellis and Kylie Minogue, 20 000 DAYS ON EARTH fuses drama and reality by weaving the journey of a fictional day in the life of the rock star with an intimate portrayal of his artistic process.

Special Features:
The Making of 20,000 DAYS ON EARTH
Rehearsal footage
More of The Archive
The Interview
Nick and Kylie perform “Where the Wild Roses Grow” at Koko in London
Nick and Ray Winstone talk about fish and chips

Director:Iain Forsyth & Jane Pollard
Actors:Nick Cave (Actor)
Label:Madman Entertainment
Audio:English (DTS-HD 5.1)
Running Time:95
Aspect ratio:2.35:1
Region Coding:B (Blu-Ray)
TV Standard:PAL
Consumer Advice:Strong nudity and sexualised imagery
Year of Release:2014

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