
英文片名:Sommernachtskonzert 2014 Summer Night Concert
中文片名:2014维也纳美泉宫夏季音乐会 (2014)
类 型:音乐
地 区:英国
文件大小:30.74 GB, 蓝光原盘 1080i
音 轨:DTS-HDMA 5.0
音 轨:LPCM 2.0
字 幕:无字幕

Vienna Philharmonic – Christoph Eschenbach – Lang Lang

• The Vienna Philharmonic performed its annual Summer Night Concert Schönbrunn, an open air event with free admission, in the unique ambience of the gardens of Schönbrunn Palace on Thursday, May 29, 2014. The Summer Night Concert was conducted for the first time by Christoph Eschenbach. The soloist was Lang Lang.
• Despite less than optimum weather conditions APProximately 40,000 people came to the magnificent grounds of Schönbrunn Palace to hear compositions by Hector Berlioz, Franz Liszt and Richard Strauss. Lang Lang performed brilliantly as piano soloist in the Burlesque for Piano and Orchestra by Richard Strauss.
• With this open air concert in Schönbrunn, the Philharmonic wishes to provide all Viennese, as well as visitors to the city, with a special musical experience in the impressive setting of Schönbrunn Palace and its beautiful baroque gardens, a UNESCO World Cultural Heritage Site.


1. Berlioz : Le carnaval romain Overture, Op. 9
2. Liszt : Mazeppa, symphonic poem No. 6, S100
3. Strauss, R : Burleske for Piano and orchestra in D minor, AV85 * Lang Lang (piano)
4. W.A. Mozart : Piano Sonata No.Ⅱ in A minor, KV 331
5. Berlioz : Benvenuto Cellini Overture
6. R. Strauss : Till Eulenspiegels lustige Streiche, Op. 28
7. J. Strauss II : Wiener Blut, Walzer, Op. 354 Vienna Blood
8. Strauss, J, II : Furioso-Polka quasi Galopp, Op. 260

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