
英文片名:Claudio Abbado conducts Mozart’s Requiem
中文片名:演奏会 (1999)
类 型:音乐
地 区:美国
文件大小:14.35 GB, 蓝光原盘 1080i
音 轨:LPCM 2.0
字 幕:无字幕

Name: Claudio Abbado conducts Mozart’s Requiem
Released: 1999
Genre: Classical, Choral
Directed by: Bob Coles
Conductor: Claudio Abbado
Artist: Karita Mattila (soprano), Sara Mingardo (contralto), Michael Schade (tenor), Bryn Terfel (bass baritone), Rachel Harnisch (soprano), Berliner Philharmoniker, Swedish Radio Choir


On July 16, 1999, the tenth anniversary of the death of Herbert von Karajan, the Berliner Philharmoniker paid tribute to their late maestro in his home town of Salzburg. In a live shooting from the imposing Salzburg Cathedral, Claudio Abbado conducted an all- Mozart programme, honouring his predecessor both by the careful selection of the music and the singers. The Berliner Philharmoniker, conducted by Claudio Abbado, performed Mozart’s Requiem in D minor, KV 626, among other works. Soprano Rachel Harnisch APPeared as the soloist on the two complementing arias Betrachte dies mein Herz und frage mich and Laudate Dominum Featuring soprano Karita Mattila, contralto Sara Mingardo, tenor Michael Schade and bass baritone Bryn Terfel as soloists of the Requiem. A performance that in every respect met Karajan’s own high artistic standards. Lovingly restored and carefully brought to HD, this unique performance of the Berliner Philharmoniker at Salzburg Cathedral is now finally available on Blu-ray Disc.

Recorded live from Salzburg Cathedral, 16 July 1999.

Tracklist wrote
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1756-1791)
Requiem in D Minor, for soloists, chorus, and orchestra, K. 626
– Requiem aeternam 4:29
– Kyrie 2:25
– Dies irae 1:59
– Tuba mirum 3:17
– Rex tremendae 1:44
– Recordare 5:04
– Confutatis 2:34
– Lacrimosa 2:53
– Domine Deus 3:36
– Hostias 3:48
– Sanctus 2:07
– Benedictus 5:10
– Agnus Dei 3:29
– Lux aeterna 5:24
Grabmusik, cantata for soloists, choir & orchestra, K. 42 (K. 35a)
– Aria: Betracht dies Herz und frage mich 4:11
Vesperae solennes de confessore for soloists, chorus & orchestra, K. 339
– Laudate Dominum 4:30

Issued: United States | EUROARTS
Duration: 1:02:21

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