
中文片名:皮洛伯洛斯舞蹈 (2013)
类 型:音乐
地 区:英国
文件大小:22.28 GB, 蓝光原盘 1080p
音 轨:英语 DTS-HDMA 5.1
字 幕:无字幕

Title : Shadowland
Year : 2013
Genre: Theatre of Shadows
Directed by: Nick Morris


American modern dance troupe and shadows «Pilobolus» was founded in California in 1971 . During the work of the artists presented over 100 dance numbers were on tour in 64 countries participated in the 79th Academy Awards ceremony “Oscar” in the show were the famous American TV host Oprah Uinfi and starred in a variety of programs. Using an unconventional APProach in creating unique programs , actors captivate the audience magic fusion technique arts of dance and shadow show, creating a bright , unique and memorable images .

What is theater performances «Pilobolus», and what they fascinate viewers opting to book tickets for the show «Shadowland»? Art of acrobatics , gymnastics and choreography themselves popular. However, if they connect , adding expressive facial expressions and costumes for dzentay art , you get a truly awesome sight . Actors with stunning accuracy transmit on stage wide range of feelings : fear, awe , love, good, evil , loneliness, beauty , loyalty, friendship and many others. Directly on your eyes will be born from nothing fantastic images , spectacular , imaginative and emotional . But to hear or view photos on the internet – this one, and see firsthand what love this talented team in the world – is quite another .

During the existence of dance theater and shadows «Pilobolus» has received numerous honors and awards , including award for outstanding achievements in the arts , for his outstanding contribution to the culture , the award «Dance Magazine Award 2010″ for his contribution to the art of choreography, set a world record for the Guinness capacity of people in the Mini Cooper, received the award in Berlin critics award «Best of» for the best performance of the last 30 years and many others.

Issued: United Kingdom
Duration: 1:23:20

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