
英文片名:Neil Sedaka: The Show Goes On – Live at the Royal Albert Hall
中文片名:演唱会 (2006)
类 型:音乐
地 区:美国
文件大小:38.54 GB, 蓝光原盘 1080i
音 轨:英语 DTS-HDMA 5.0
英 语:LPCM 2.0
字 幕:无字幕

Original title: Neil Sedaka: The Show Goes On – Live at the Royal Albert Hall
Year: 2006
Genre: Pop, Rock, Easy Listening
Director: David Barnard
Performer: Neil Sedaka, Tony Christie, Dara Sedaka & Daughter


Neil Sedaka is one of the most successful songwriters and performers of all time with a career stretching from the fifties to the present day. This concert, filmed in the grandeur of London’s Royal Albert Hall, shows Neil Sedaka entrancing his audience with his characteristic humour and charm while turning in great performances of his best loved hits, introducing new songs and showcasing his talents as a classical pianist.

01. The Other Side of me
02. Standing on the Inside
03. The Miracle Song
04. The Queen of 1964
05. Our Last Song Together
06. Inseparable
07. Oh Carol
08. HAPPy Birthday, Sweet Sixteen
09. Where the Boys are
10. Calendar Girls
11. You
12. Cardboard California
13. Laughter in the Rain
14. Should Have Never Let You Go
15. Is This the Way to Amarillo
16. Solitare
17. Never Again
18. Betty Grable
19. Breaking Up Is Hard to Do
20. Stairway to Heaven
21. One Way Ticket to the Blues
22. I Go Ape
23. The Hungry Years
24. Fantasy Impromtu
25. Superbird
26. The Immigrant
27. Love Will Keep Us Together
28. That’s When the Music Takes Me

Issued: United States | Eagle Rock Entertainment
Duration: 01:54:01

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