
Genre: Classic
Format: Blu-ray
Video: MPEG-4 AVC Video / 23000-31000 kbps / 1080i / 29.970 fps / 16:9 / High Profile 4.1
Audio: LPCM Audio / 2.0 / 48 kHz / 2304 kbps / 24-bit
Audio: DTS-HD Master Audio / 5.1 / 48 kHz / 3500-3772 kbps / 24-bit
Time: 34:10:00
Size: 20×25 GB

The Berliner Philharmoniker’s season-end concert at Waldbühne Berlin is the highlight of every concert season due to the extraordinary atmosphere of the amphitheatre. It has become a veritable Berlin summer institution, with its own traditions, primarily upheld by the audience, who turn up in high spirits and fully kitted out with picnic baskets and sparklers. And no matter whether it fits the program or not, no concert can end without a rendition of Paul Lincke’s “Berliner Luft”, complete with audience participation.

The “Waldbühne – 20 Blu-ray Box” brings together many memorable moments and concert highlights from 1998 to 2022, featuring the Berliner Philharmoniker with conductors such as Daniel Barenboim, Simon Rattle, Gustavo Dudamel, and Kirill Petrenko as well as soloists like Lang Lang, Lisa Batiashvili, Renée Fleming, Katia & Marielle Labèque, Wayne Marshall, Kirill Gerstein, and many others. The carefully curated box set is topped off with previously unreleased concerts like the 2020/21 season-end concert as well as the documentary “They Got Rhythm”.


Disk 1 (2022): Symphonic Pictures (Kirill Petrenko, Kirill Gerstein)
Disk 2 (2021): American Rhythms (Wayne Marshall)
Disk 3 (2019): A Fairytale Night (Tugan Sokhiev, Marianne Crebassa)
Disk 4 (2018): Goodbye Sir Simon (Sir Simon Rattle, Magdalena Kozena)
Disk 5 (2017): Legends of the Rhine (Gustavo Dudamel)
Disk 6 (2016): A Czech Night (Yannick Nezet-Seguin, Lisa Batiashvili)
Disk 7 (2015): Lights, Camera, Action! (Sir Simon Rattle)
Disk 8 (2011): Fellini, Jazz & Co (Riccardo Chailly) – [1:45:25]
Disk 9 (2010): An evening with Renee Fleming (Ion Marin, Renee Fleming)
Disk 10 (2009): Russian Rhythms (Sir Simon Rattle, Yefim Bronfman)
Disk 11 (2008): Los Ritmos de la Noche (Gustavo Dudamel, Ana Maria Martinez)
Disk 12 (2007): Rhapsodies (Sir Simon Rattle, Stephen Hough, Wenzel Fuchs)
Disk 13 (2006): Sheherazade – An Oriental Night (Neeme Jarvi, Janine Jansen, Marita Solberg, Ingebjorg Kosmo)
Disk 14 (2005): A French Night (Sir Simon Rattle, Katia & Marielle Labeque)
Disk 15 (2004): A Tchaikovsky Night (Sir Simon Rattle, Lang Lang)
Disk 16 (2003): A Gershwin Night (Seiji Ozawa, Marcus Roberts Trio)
Disk 17 (2002): World Encores (Mariss Jansons, Vadim Repin)
Disk 18 (2001): A Spanish Night (Placido Domingo, Sarah Chang, Ana Maria Martinez)
Disk 19 (2000): A Night of Rhythm and Dance (Kent Nagano, Mari & Momo Kodama, Eitetsu Hayashi, Susan Graham)

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