
1.Journey of a Lifetime ~ Frieren Main Theme
2.The End of One Journey
3.The Party of Heroes Returns
4.A Well-Earned Celebration
5.For 1000 Years
6.One Last Adventure
7.Farewell, My Friend
9.Time Flows Ever Onward
10.Heiter’s Request
11.The Precious Moments We Share
12.Life Is Worth Living
13.Before the Light Fades
14.Grassy Turtles and Seed Rats
15.Where the Blue-Moon Weed Grows
16.Growing Up
17.Phantoms of the Dead
18.Magical Defense Training
20.Evolution of Magic
21.In Times of Peace
22.The Land Where Souls Rest
23.Where Hidden Magic Sleeps
24.Great Mage Flamme
25.Goodbye for Now, Eisen
26.More Than Mere Tales
27.The Warrior’s Path
28.Fear Brought Me This Far
29.Dragon Smasher
30.Lift My Head From Shadow
31.Life and Legacy
32.Memories for My Master
33.To Travel for Aureole
34.Beyond the Journey’s End

Evan Call feat. Alina Lesnik
2.Frieren the Slayer
3.Across the Northern Lands
4.Gone, but Not Forgotten
5.Things That Scheme in the Dark
6.Deep in the Dungeon
7.Time Flows Ever Onward (Short Ver.)
8.Sleepy Frieren
9.Shipwrecks and Treasure
10.A Sunrise Worth Seeing
11.New Friends and Old Faces
12.Sneaking and Shopping
13.Drunkards and Mimics
14.Stark the Pure
15.Odd Clouds
16.To Catch a Stille
17.A Beautiful Word
18.Ancient Magic
19.Knife to the Throat
20.Demon’s Bane
21.Seeds of the Past Bear Today’s Fruit
22.Headpats and Praise
23.From the Heart
24.Pudding With Friends
25.Fern’s Birthday
26.Privilege of the Young
27.Super Secret Magic Potions
28.Handsome Pose Collection
29.Too Many Grimoires
30.Stories Yet Untold
31.Old Man Voll
32.The Magic Within
33.New and Dangerous Magic
Evan Call feat. Alina Lesnik
34.Waltz for Stark and Fern
35.Mirrored Lotus
36.Song for the Beyond

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