
Disc 1

01 For Whom Is That Kindness 2:00
02 Yesterday’s Journey, Tomorrow’s Dream 2:51
03 Surging Pressure 1:58
04 Throbbing Heartbeat 2:18
05 Facing the Distant Horizon 2:32
06 Our Hometown 3:16
07 To Be Free 2:38
08 Overblaze 2:22
09 Deep Inside Where No Light Reaches 2:48
10 Like a Lightning 1:49
11 Unbreakable Bonds 1:58
12 Turn of the Tide 2:02
13 Sway in the Scenery 2:27
14 Shield Brothers 2:30
15 Place to Be Rooted 2:22
16 Raise the Anchor! 2:42
17 Ready to Fire! 2:09
18 Eerie Stillness 2:38
19 Can You Do It? 2:27
20 So Much for Today (Ys X Ver.) 1:17
Disc length 47:04

Disc 2

01 Brother’s Footsteps on the Island 2:15
02 Through the North Wind 2:30
03 Baptism of Malice 1:36
04 Ride on Mana! 2:44
05 Depths of Gray 1:50
06 Violent Warriors 1:57
07 Landing Warfare 1:51
08 Destined to Keep Running 2:09
09 The Compass Dances 2:20
10 Insatiable Craving 2:08
11 The Inner Darkness 2:50
12 Hello, Those Who Can’t Die 1:50
13 Those Who Live in the Distant Sea 2:33
14 Heat Hazard 3:16
15 Burn with You 2:18
16 According to Plan 2:02
17 Operation Sandras 2:45
18 Hardhearted Rock Line 2:14
19 Sometime Siesta 2:53
20 Innermost Feelings 2:11
21 Young Swordsman in the Eyes 3:22
Disc length 49:34

Disc 3

01 Traces of Dreams 2:19
02 Ironclad Battleship Naglfar 2:13
03 Premonition of Turmoil 2:29
04 The Road so Far, The Future Ahead 2:28
05 Waver as the Wave 2:38
06 Lila -Innocent Wish- 3:15
07 Distorted Desire 2:32
08 Rollo -Because of Its Purity- 2:39
09 Sea of Genesis 2:23
10 Aegir Undersea Temple 1:59
11 The Ultimate Pleasure in My Hands 2:29
12 If I Could Go Back to Those Days 1:58
13 Berserk -Battle Ax Roar- 2:24
14 Ever Since Then. 1:46
15 Deep Unconscious 2:24
16 The Paradise Lost of Norman 4:25
17 Under the Northern Lights That Arrived 2:36
18 Nordics Saga -The Endless Bloody Sea- 4:12
19 And the Adventure Begins 6:47
Disc length 53:56

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