
🎶 Title : Movie “Silent Love”
👤 Artist : Joe Hisaishi
📅 Release Date : 2024-01-24
📀 Number of Tracks : 18
💫 Quality : 24B – 96k

Joe Hisaishi—hailed by Pitchfork as “the most acclaimed Japanese composer to have ever worked in film”—has won countless awards for his achievements in composition and film scoring. He is the 8-time winner of the Japanese Academy Award for Best Music; he was awarded the Japan Medal of Honour award in 2009; and he has composed soundtracks for 2 Academy Award-winning films, “Departures” (2008) and “Spirited Away” (2002). Hisaishi’s body of work, comprised of nearly 100 film scores and solo albums, draws inspiration from the canon of American minimalist compositions, experimental electronic music, and European and Japanese classical music. He has scored all but one of Hayao Miyazaki’s Studio Ghibli films, including 3 of the top 5 highest-grossing anime films (worldwide). Hisaishi, the celebrated Japanese composer known for his beloved film scores and his work with acclaimed filmmakers Hayao Miyazaki and his Studio Ghibli as well as ‘Beat’ Takeshi Kitano, releases a new 2-disc compilation album Dream Songs: The Essential Joe Hisaishi out February 21 on Decca Gold.

1.01 – Joe Hisaishi – Opening (1:31)
1.02 – Joe Hisaishi – Touch (0:53)
1.03 – Joe Hisaishi – The Quiet Two (3:16)
1.04 – Joe Hisaishi – Sound of Salvation (1:33)
1.05 – Joe Hisaishi – Hand of God (2:12)
1.06 – Joe Hisaishi – Confusion (0:55)
1.07 – Joe Hisaishi – In the Gentle Wind (1:27)
1.08 – Joe Hisaishi – Distortion (1:15)
1.09 – Joe Hisaishi – Intense Passion in the Rain (2:31)
1.10 – Joe Hisaishi – Anger (1:40)
1.11 – Joe Hisaishi – Incident (0:40)
1.12 – Joe Hisaishi – Dirty Hands (1:20)
1.13 – Joe Hisaishi – Two People through Acrylic (1:52)
1.14 – Joe Hisaishi – Scarred Hands (2:18)
1.15 – Joe Hisaishi – Blue (2:09)
1.16 – Joe Hisaishi – Silent Love (1:18)
1.17 – Joe Hisaishi – Touch – again (1:17)
1.18 – Joe Hisaishi – Silent (2:37)

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