
Sora Amamiya – COVERS II -Sora Amamiya favorite songs- (2023.06.21)
(雨宮天 – COVERS II -Sora Amamiya favorite songs-)
FLAC / 24/96 / WEB 989.32 MB

As a voice actor, artist, and member of the unit “TrySail”, Sora Amamiya, who continues to be active at the forefront this year, has recorded a smash hit song cover album “COVERS -Sora Amamiya favorite songs-” (released in 2021). 2nd cover album released! Continuing from the 1st, this album also contains 11 cover songs of favorite songs selected by himself. Sora Amemiya, who is known as an avid fan of popular songs, has a corner where he talks about popular songs on regular programs. An album filled with love and respect for the original, covering masterpieces of gems with the expressive power of a voice actor!

01 – 君は薔薇より美しい
02 – イミテイション・ゴールド
03 – ウイスキーが、お好きでしょ
04 – 卒業写真
05 – 想い出がいっぱい
06 – ダンシングヒーロー(Eat You Up)
07 – 難破船
08 – あなたに逢いたくて ~Missing you~
09 – 喝采
10 – 君たちキウイ・パパイア・マンゴーだね。
11 – ラヴ・イズ・オーヴァー

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