
01. Dean Martin – Blue Christmas
02. Elvis Presley – Here Comes Santa Claus (Right Down Santa Claus Lane)
03. Andy Williams – The Little Drummer Boy
04. Darlene Love – White Christmas
05. John Denver – Rudolph The Red Nosed Reindeer
06. Johnny Mathis – Winter Wonderland
07. Patti Page – We Wish You A Merry Christmas
08. Jerry Vale – Silver Bells
09. The Ronettes – Frosty The Snowman
10. Jim Reeves – Jingle Bells
11. The Edwin Hawkins Singers – To My Father’s House
12. The Crystals – Santa Claus Is Coming To Town
13. Dean Martin – Winter Wonderland
14. Bobby Hackett – We Need A Little Christmas
15. Percy Faith & His Orchestra And Chorus – Christmas Is…
16. Mitch Miller & The Gang – Must Be Santa
17. Andy Williams – HAPPy Holiday / The Holiday Season
18. Tony Bennett – My Favourite Things
19. Ray Conniff – Ring Christmas Bells
20. Willie Nelson – Frosty The Snowman
21. Elvis Presley – Holly Leaves And Christmas Trees
22. Mario Lanza – O Christmas Tree
23. Johnny Cash – I Heard The Bells On Christmas Day
24. Aretha Franklin – Winter Wonderland
25. Darlene Love – A Marshmallow World
26. The Dukes Of Dixieland – Frosty The Snowman
27. Louis Prima – Shake Hands With Santa Claus (Mono Recording)
28. Rosemary Clooney – Snow
29. Johnny Mathis – Blue Christmas
30. The Crystals – Parade Of The Wooden Soldiers
31. Harry Belafonte – Mary’s Boy Child
32. Dean Martin – I’ll Be Home For Christmas
33. Alabama – Angels Among Us
34. Elvis Presley – O Come, All Ye Faithful
35. Duke Ellington – Jingle Bells
36. Andy Williams – White Christmas
37. Doris Day – Winter Wonderland
38. Mel Tormé – The Christmas Song (Chestnuts Roasting On An Open Fire)
39. The Ronettes – Sleigh Ride
40. Tony Bennett – Christmasland
41. Darlene Love – Christmas (Baby Please Come Home)
42. Kenny Loggins – Celebrate Me Home
43. Johnny Cash – The Little Drummer Boy
44. Mitch Miller & The Gang – The Twelve Days Of Christmas
45. Johnny Mathis – The Christmas Song (Chestnuts Roasting On An Open Fire)
46. Bruce Springsteen – Merry Christmas Baby
47. John Williams – Sleigh Ride (Instrumental)
48. Willie Nelson – Pretty Paper
49. Andy Williams – The First Noël
50. The Crystals – Rudolph The Red-Nosed Reindeer
51. Mahalia Jackson – Silent Night, Holy Night
52. The Edwin Hawkins Singers – Oh Happy Day
53. Darlene Love – Winter Wonderland
54. Percy Faith & His Orchestra And Chorus – We Need A Little Christmas
55. Ray Conniff – The Twelve Days Of Christmas
56. Tony Bennett – Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas
57. Elvis Presley – I’ll Be Home For Christmas
58. Dean Martin – Silver Bells
59. Canadian Brass – The Little Drummer Boy (Instrumental)
60. Johnny Mathis – Sleigh Ride

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