[Limited Edition]
CD special package
Part Number: DCCA-116/117 ?9,900 (tax included)

[Blu-ray] Petit Brabancon EXPLODE -01- included
[Special Canvas Art Style Package]
10″ (APProx. 26cm square) canvas art style packaging. Double-sided design
CD/Blu-ray in a clear case is enclosed on the reverse side. Light-storing specification on the reverse side.

*The complete limited edition will be available only at MAVERICK STORE or GALAXY BROAD SHOP.
*The general distribution version will be available at TOWER RECORDS (stores/ONLINE), Village Vanguard (stores/ONLINE), and Amazon.

01 mind-blow Composition by : yukihiro
02 Chiridou composed by : Kyo composed by : miya
03 Loser Poem composed by Kyo Composed by antz
04 surely Poem composed by Kyo Composed by : yukihiro
05 Common destiny Poem by Kyo Composed by antz
06 Miserable Poem composed by Kyo Composed by Miya

The EP “Automata” includes two previously unreleased new songs: “mind-blow,” an instrumental piece with a profound, ritual-like atmosphere composed by Yukihiro, and “Korodo,” a melodious piece with a new wave flavor composed by Miya, the lead title of this EP. The album also includes “Miserable,” a song that has been performed since the band’s national tour in September of last year, which dramatically unfolds with a catchy riff intertwined with Kyo’s tragic cry, and “surely,” which was first performed at Toyosu PIT and is the quintessential Yukihiro song, sharpened to the utmost solidity and mechanically arranged with electronic sounds. The album includes “surely,” Yukihiro’s quintessential “purely” song. It is a collection of extreme music that has “deepened” from the conventional image of the band to glamorous, roaring, geometric, avant-garde, and agitated. At the time of the release announcement, it was announced that the album would contain five songs, but one more song has been added, making it a total of six songs. The album was also mastered by Grammy Award-winning world-renowned engineer Ted Jensen (Sterling Sound).

The artwork was created by Taiwanese illustrator and tattoo artist Gun. The theme is based on traditional events and features a mysterious, oriental worldview that utilizes modern creative means to capture the contrast between Petit Brabancon’s inorganic electro soundscape swimming in an industrial atmosphere and the bloody humanity of the soul in a sci-fi way, Automata=Automata = Machine Puppet. The psychedelic and decadent atmosphere of the stage is a different approach from that of the previous album, and it shows the danger that the band is capable of.

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