Blu-ray: Gloria in excelsis Deo
Composer Johann Sebastian Bach
Performer Bach Collegium Japan
Masaaki Suzuki, conductor
Period Baroque
Catalogue Number BIS-2201 BD
EAN 7318599922010
Format Blu-ray Disc (all region playback)
Release date Mar 2017
Total time 124’55

In June 1995, a virtually unknown group of Japanese musicians embarked on the monumental task of recording the complete sacred cantatas by Johann Sebastian Bach.
Almost eighteen years later, on 23rd February 2013, the Bach Collegium Japan and Masaaki Suzuki – by then household names in the international music world – reached their goal, as they finished recording the 55th disc in a series which in the meantime had met with overwhelming acclaim worldwide.
Made in conjunction with the final cantata recording, this film commemorates the occasion. Besides filmed performances of the three last cantatas – Gloria in excelsis Deo, BWV191, Lobe den Herrn, meine Seele, BWV69 and Freue dich, erlöste Schar, BWV30 – the film includes interviews with Masaaki Suzuki and key members of Bach Collegium Japan as well as behind-the-scenes footage. Hide

Composer Bach, Johann Sebastian
Soprano Blažíková, Hana
Alto Blaze, Robin
Tenor Türk, Gerd
Bass Kooij, Peter


01 Title screen 0’10

Interview I
02 Interview with Masaaki Suzuki 1’56

Johann Sebastian Bach
Lobe den Herrn, meine Seele, BWV 69 19’30
03 1. [Chorus]. Lobe den Herrn, meine Seele… 5’03
04 2. Recitativo (Soprano). Wie groß ist Gottes Güte doch!… 1’17
05 3. Aria (Alto). Meine Seele… 6’07
06 4. Recitativo (Tenore). Der Herr hat große Ding an uns getan… 2’15
07 5. Aria (Basso). Mein Erlöser und Erhalter… 3’24
08 6. Choral. Es danke, Gott, und lobe dich… 1’24

Interview II
09 Interview with members of the Bach Collegium Japan 5’36

Johann Sebastian Bach
Freue dich, erlöste Schar, BWV 30 34’27
10 1. Chorus. Freue dich, erlöste Schar… 4’01
11 2. Recitativo (Basso). Wir haben Rast… 0’55
12 3. Aria (Basso). Gelobet sei Gott, gelobet sein Name… 4’38
13 4. Recitativo (Alto). Der Herold kömmt und meldt den König an… 0’43
14 5. Aria (Alto). Kommt, ihr angefochtnen Sünder… 5’24
15 6. Choral. Eine Stimme lässt sich hören… 1’24
16 7. Recitativo (Basso). So bist du denn, mein Heil, bedacht… 0’54
17 8. Aria (Basso). Ich will nun hassen… 5’50
18 9. Recitativo (Soprano). Und ob wohl sonst der Unbestand… 0’56
19 10. Aria (Soprano). Eilt, ihr Stunden, kommt herbei… 4’30
20 11. Recitativo (Tenore). Geduld, der angenehme Tag… 1’17
21 12. Chorus. Freue dich, erlöste Schar… 3’55

Interview III
22 Interview with the vocal soloists 5’55

Johann Sebastian Bach
Gloria in excelsis Deo, BWV 191 14’37
23 1. [Chorus]. Gloria in excelsis Deo… 6’30
24 2. [Duetto] (Soprano, Tenore). Gloria Patri et Filio et Spiritui sancto. 4’03
25 3. [Chorus]. Sicut erat in principio et nunc et semper… 4’04

Interview IV
26 Various interviews 5’28

Johann Sebastian Bach
from Mass in B minor, BWV 232
27 Dona nobis pacem 3’16

28 Final credits 2’12
29 Menu 6’23

Special Features 25’10
30 What is ‘Church Cantata’ for you? 5’02
31 Dr R. A. Leaver on the recorded cantatas 12’03
32 Behind the scenes 1 6’01
33 Behind the scenes 2 2’04

Album total 124’55

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