英文片名:Waldbuhne 2010: An Evening with Renee Fleming
中文片名:演唱会 (2010)
类 型:音乐
地 区:美国
文件大小:20.23 GB, 蓝光原盘 1080i
音 轨:DTS-HDMA 5.1 LPCM 2.0
字 幕:无字幕



Waldbuhne 2010: An Evening with Renee Fleming

Year: 2010
Genre: outdoor concert


The Waldbühne in Berlin, one of the most APPealing outdoor amphitheatres on the European continent, is the home of the Berliner Philharmoniker’s summer concerts. With over 20,000 attendances, these are some of the most popular classical music concerts in the world.

This year the Berliner Philharmoniker play under the baton of Ion Marin, one of the most exciting conductors on today’s musical scene. They welcome “America’s Beautiful Voice”, Grammy Award winning soprano Renée Fleming, who has a devoted international following wherever she appears. Her career has been built on success across a wide range of musical styles, but she is best-known for her excellence in opera worldwide.

The device of the evening was “Night of Love”- the most beautiful Opera Arias in combination with atmospheric instrumental pieces.


Dvorak:Mesícku na nebi hlubokém ‘Song to the Moon’ (from Rusalka)
Elgar:Salut d’amour, Op. 12

Khachaturian:Spartacus: Adagio of Spartacus & Phrygia

Korngold:Glück, das mir verbleib ‘Marietta’s Lied’ (from Die Tote Stadt)

Leoncavallo:Mimi Pinson la biondinetta (from La Bohème)
Musette svaria sulla bocca viva (from La Bohème)

Mussorgsky: A Night on the Bare Mountain

Puccini: Donde lieta usci (from La Boheme)
Tu che di gel sei cinta (from Turandot)

Smetana: Dobra! Jj mu je dam!… Jak je mi? (Dalibor)

Strauss, R:Capriccio: closing scene
Zueignung, Op. 10 No. 1

Tchaikovsky:Romeo & Juliet: Fantasy Overture

Wagner:Rienzi Overture

Renée Fleming

Berliner Philharmoniker, Ion Marin

Production: US |EUROARTS
Runtime: 2:05:59

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