英文片名:Richard Wagner: Der Ring Des Nibelungen
中文片名:瓦格纳歌剧:尼布龙根的指环四部曲 (2003)
类 型:音乐
地 区:美国
文件大小:151.27 GB, 蓝光原盘 1080i
音 轨:德语 DTS-HDMA 5.1
字 幕:无字幕

Title: Richard Wagner “Ring of the Nibelungen”
Original name: Richard Wagner: Der Ring Des Nibelungen
Year: 2002-2003
Genre: Opera
Director: Joachim Schlömer, Christoph Nel, Jossi Wieler and Sergio Morabito, Peter Konwitschny
Conductor: Lothar Zagrosek
Cast: Das Rheingold: Wolfgang Probst (Wotan), Esa Ruuttunen (Alberich), Roland Bracht (Fasolt), Phillip Ens (Fafner), Robert Künzli (Loge), Catriona Smith (Woflinde), Maria Theresa Ullrich (Wollgunde); Die Walküre: Robert Gambill (Siegmund), Attila Jun (Hunding), Jan-Hendrik Rootering (Wotan), Angela Denoke (Sieglinde), Renate Behle (Brünnhilde), Tichina Vaughn (Fricka), Eva-Maria Westbroek (Gerhilde); Siegfried: Jon Fredric West (Siegfried), Heinz Göhrig (Mime), Wolfgang Schöne (The Wanderer), Björn Waag (Alberich), Attila Jun (Fafner), Gabriela Herrera (Forest Bird), Helene Ranada (Erda), Lisa Gasteen ( Brünnhilde); Götterdämmerung: Albert Bonnema (Siegfried), Hernan Iturralde (Gunther), Franz-Josef Kapellmann (Alberich), Roland Bracht (Hagen), Luana DeVol (Brünnhilde), Eva-Maria Westbroek (Gutrune), Tichina Vaughn (Waltraute), Janet Collins (Norn 1), Lani Poulson (Norn 2), Sue Patchell (Norn 3), Helga Rós Indridadóttir (Woglinde), Sarah Castle (Wellgunde), Janet Collins (Flosshilde), Stuttgart State Opera Chorus and Orchestra


As a special Christmas offer, Euroarts presents the hugely successful Ring cycle from the Staatsoper Stuttgart in a box set. The prologue Rheingold and all three subsequent nights (Walküre, Siegfried, Götterdämmerung) of the “stage festival”, as Wagner put it, will be cherished by Wagner enthusiasts and lovers of great theatre all over the world. “Four operas – four stage directors” was the artistic idea behind the 1999/2000 cycle in Stuttgart. Their focus on the individual operas of “Der Ring des Nibelungen” rather than the cycle enabled the stage directors – handpicked by the successful Stuttgart Opera team surrounding Artistic Director Klaus Zehelein – to express their individual insights into the well-known drama of Siegfried and Wotan . Audiences, Wagnerians, and music critics alike were all enthusiastic about the result. As the Financial Times said: “At a time when most are struggling to find something new to say about Wagner, Zehelein shattered convention by allocating the four operas to four different production teams. The results are astonishing as much for the unexpected harmony of the different APProaches as for the strength of their diverse insights. Thus deconstructed, Wagner is less totalitarian, more dramatic. The Ring finally looks politically and psychologically modern again. “Directors Joachim Schlömer, Christoph Nel, Jossi Wieler and Peter Konwitschny and their outstanding cast (Angela Denoke, Luana DeVol, Lisa Gasteen, Robert Gambill, Jan-Hendrik Rootering, Wolfgang Schöne, Jon Frederick West et al.) managed an epoch-making artistic enterprise, which will maintain its place as a highlight of Wagner staging for years to come.

Recorded live at the Staatsoper Stuttgart, 28 September and 29 December 2002 (Das Rheingold), 29 September 2002 and 2 January 2003 (Die Walküre), 1 October 2002 and 5 January 2003 (Siegfried), 3 October 2002 and 12 January 2003 (Götterdämmerung ).

Issued: United States | EUROARTS
Duration: 2:32:56 + 3:49:44 + 4:11:14 + 4:29:27

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