Title: Eskimo Callboy – The Scene: Live in Cologne
Genre: Post-Hardcore / Metalcore / Electronic
Release Date: 2018

Production/Label: Century Media
Duration: 1:11:13 + 01:18:17
Quality: Blu-ray
Container: BDMV
Video codec: AVC
Audio codec: PCM
Video: MPEG-4 AVC Video / 20560 kbps / 1080i / 25 fps / 16:9 / High Profile 4.1
Audio: German / Dolby Digital Audio / 2.0 / 48 kHz / 192 kbps
Size: 22.65 GB

After multiple sold-out shows during their headlining tour in their native Germany, Japan and Russia as well as securing a smashing #6 in the German Top 100 Album Charts with their latest studio album, “The Scene”, ESKIMO CALLBOY are following up with audiovisual release, entitled “The Scene – Live in Cologne” on June 8th, 2018. Apart from the sold out show fans will get more than an hour of extensive b-roll material including all video clips released during the campaign for “The Scene” plus behind the scenes.
“The Scene – Live in Cologne” will available in the following formats: Ltd. Blu-ray+DVD+CD Digipak, CD+DVD Jewelcase, Digital Combo (please note: this audio + video format is just available on amazon, iTunes & APPle Music) and Digital Album.


1. The Scene (Live in Cologne 2017) 00:04:51
2. My Own Summer (Live in Cologne 2017) 00:03:59
3. We Are The Mess (Live in Cologne 2017) 00:03:49
4. Shallows (Live in Cologne 2017) 00:04:01
5. Back In The Bizz (Live in Cologne 2017) 00:03:32
6. Party At The Horror House (Live in Cologne 2017) 00:03:53
7. The Devil Within (Live in Cologne 2017) 00:03:58
8. Muffin Purper-Gurk (Live in Cologne 2017) 00:03:58
9. Pitch Blease (Live in Cologne 2017) 00:04:12
10. Rooftop (Live in Cologne 2017) 00:03:18
11. VIP (Live in Cologne 2017) 00:03:50
12. New Age (Live in Cologne 2017) 00:04:09
13. Is Anyone Up (Live in Cologne 2017) 00:04:41
14. Calling (Live in Cologne 2017) 00:04:03
15. Crystals (Live in Cologne 2017) 00:04:55
16. Best Day (Live in Cologne 2017) 00:04:50
17. MC Thunder (Live in Cologne 2017) 00:05:12
18. final credits 00:01:08
Bonus Content:
1. Album Snippet The Scene 00:10:19
2. Musicvideo The Scene 00:03:21
3. Musicvideo MC Thunder 00:04:28
4. Musicvideo VIP 00:04:25
5. Musicvideo The Devil Within Acoustic 00:03:27
6. Behind The Scene Tour 2017 00:14:40
7. Making Of The Scene Musicvideo 00:27:43
8. Making Of The Devil Within Acoustic Musicvideo 00:07:52

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