Blu-ray release of Dave Grusin’s Live recordings at Adrienne Arsht Center in December, 2009. One of the top ten film scorers of his generation, Dave Grusin is possibly even more renowned as a jazz artist and co-founder of GRP Records. Grusin’s musical career has been distinguished by a mastery over a diverse range of styles, counterbalanced by a touch at the piano which makes his keyboard signature totally unique. His award-winning film scores include On Golden Pond, Tootsie, The Fabulous Baker Boys, Goonies, and more, along with tributes to the music of George Gershwin, Henry Mancini and Leonard Bernstein. His first jazz-related release in seven years features Patti Austin, Jon Secada, Monica Mancini, Gary Burton, Arturo Sandoval, Nestor Tories, Sammy Figueroa and the 75-piece Mancini Orchestra. The eminent producer director Sydney Pollack, with whom Grusin has collaborated on nine films, summed it up succinctly with the words, The can do anything, and he has done everything. DVD, Blu-ray and iPad APP are in development.

Track List
1. Fratelli Chase
2. On Golden Pond/Hornpipe Medley
3. Intro – Patti Austin
4. Makin’ Whoopee
5. Porgy & Bess Medley
6. Cool
7. Somewhere
8. Suite from the Milagro Beanfield War
9. Intro – Jon Secada
10. Maria
11. I Feel Pretty
12. Moon River
13. Peter Gunn
14. Memphis Stomp

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