导演: David Parer
编剧: Elizabeth Parer-Cook
类型: 纪录片
制片国家/地区: 澳大利亚
语言: 英语
片长: 52 分钟
又名: 澳大利亚——鹦鹉之国

Discover the beauty, brilliance and behaviour of Australia’s most conspicuous birds – parrots and cockatoos in Australia: Land of Parrots. Multi-award winning, natural history filmmakers David Parer and Elizabeth Parer-Cook have turned their cameras to the sky to capture the spirit of these dazzling birds with breathtaking results – including rare and never before seen footage – all shot in HD.
Varieties of parrots and cockatoos thrive across Australia and often in large numbers. From the dense rainforests of the tropical north to the cold, wind-swept coast of southern Australia and the arid deserts of the interior. Australia: Land of Parrots explores the spectacular and bizarre behaviour of Australia’s wild parrots and cockatoos across the varied landscapes of the island continent.
In the tropical rainforests of northern Australia the female Eclectus Parrot defies every rule in the evolutionary rule book. Instead of being drab, like most female birds, she’s brightly coloured.
Meanwhile the decade-long drought in the centre of Australia has broken and budgerigars gather to breed. Time is short – they quickly pair up, lay eggs and rear their young, all in the space of a few months.
Parrots are very adaptable, the southern coast of Australia is battered by fierce weather yet Rock Parrots live along the shoreline. Sulphur-crested Cockatoos, Little Corellas and galahs have been quick to take advantage of opportunities arising from modern farming. With food and water easily available, their populations have exploded, causing havoc for farmers.
One of the most amazing parrots is the rare Palm Cockatoo which lives up north. Imitating their calls, Steve Murphy has been tracking them for years trying to work out how they live and he’s uncovered some amazing behaviour.

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