英文片名:Jethro Tull’s Ian Anderson.Thick As A Brick Live In Iceland 2014
中文片名:杰叟罗图乐团 伊恩·安德森 Thick As A Brick 冰岛现场
类 型:音乐
地 区:美国
文件大小:44.1 GB, 蓝光原盘 1080i
音 轨:DTS-HD Master Audio , LPCM Audio
字 幕:没带字幕


Jethro Tull’s famous concept album “Thick As A Brick” was originally released in 1972 and featured one continuous track spread across two sides of an LP telling the story of a young boy called Gerald Bostock. 40 years later in 2012, Jethro Tull’s founder and leader Ian Anderson created “Thick As A Brick 2: Whatever HAPPened To Gerald Bostock?”. Following this release Ian Anderson took both albums on the road to perform the complete story of Gerald Bostock and this concert from the tour was filmed in Iceland. The show combines music, video screens and mime to bring Gerald’s tale to life as never before and create the definitive presentation of “Thick As A Brick”.


01. Thick as a Brick (entire original album)
02. From a Pebble Thrown
03. Pebbles Instrumental
04. Might Have Beens
05. Upper Sixth Loan Shark
06. Banker Bets, Banker Wins
07. Swing It Far
08. Adrift and Dumbfounded
09. Old School Song
10. Wootton Bassett Town
11. Power and Spirit
12. Give Til It Hurts
13. Cosy Corner
14. Shunt and Shuffle
15. A Change of Horses
16. Confessional
17. Kismet in Suburbia
18. What-Ifs, Maybes and Might-Have-Beens

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