

导演: Dominique Jolin / Raymond Lebrun
编剧: Dominique Jolin / Raymond Lebrun
主演: Marc Labrèche / Xavier Dolan / Anne Dorval / Stéphane Rousseau / Geneviève Schmidt
类型: 动画
制片国家/地区: 加拿大
语言: 法语 / 英语
上映日期: 2023-08-06(蒙特利尔奇幻电影节)
片长: 78分钟
又名: Toopy and Binoo the Movie


Toopy and Binoo是一部美音动画片,Toopy是一只大老鼠,Binoo是一只小猫,这部动画片就是关于他们的生活,充满想象和童趣,让人忍俊不禁。剧情挺好看的,这种低龄动画里居然出现了多重平行世界、穿越,还有小人国和大人国。

Toopy is a mouse with a very vivid imagination. Always spontaneous, he sees the world around him with an innocence that allows for anything and everything to be transformed.
Magic is all around with Toopy!
Binoo, the tiny cat, is the perfect sidekick for Toopy. He shares the same sense of wonder in the adventures with his friend, but his perceptiveness allows him to see the things that Toopy misses, without ever letting on to Toopy. Binoo never says a word about it, but the viewer sees what’s going on!

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