
类型: 纪录片、朋克摇滚
时长: 01:33:40 + 01:55:23
发行年份: 2017
导演: Lech Kowalski

D.O.A.: A RIGHT OF PASSAGE is the ground-breaking classic ”rockumentary” about the origin of punk rock. Centered around the Sex Pistols 1978 tour of the United States which ended with the group breaking up, the tour was the only one the Pistols played in the United States. Director Lech Kowalski (East of Paradise) followed the band with handheld cameras through the clubs and bars of their seven-city U.S. tour. Mixing this with footage of other contemporary bands, trends in the fashion capitals and punks of all shapes and colors, Kowalski captured a grainy, stained snapshot of the punk movement at its peak (which includes the now famous footage of Sid Vicious and Nancy Spungen in bed) along with rare interview and concert footage of the late seventies punk rock music scene. With live performances by the Sex Pistols, The Dead Boys, Generation X (with Billy Idol), The Rich Kids, the X-Ray Spex, and Sham 69, along with additional music from The Clash and Iggy Pop, this iconic documentary is now available for the first time ever on disc!

”Dead On Arrival: The Punk Documentary That Almost Never Was” – A feature length documentary about the making of D.O.A. A Rite of Passage produced by award-winning filmmaker (and former MTV Senior Producer) Richard Schenkman and featuring exclusive new interviews with PUNK magazine founder and Ramones cover-artist John Holmstrom, renowned music journalist Chris Salewicz, legendary photographer Roberta Bayley, Sex Pistols’ historian Mick O’Shea, former Rich Kid guitarist and Ultravox lead singer Midge Ure, and original D.O.A. crew members David King, Mary Killen, Rufus Standefer, plus never-before-seen interview footage of Pistols founder, Malcolm McLaren (in HD) [01:55:23]

Photo Gallery
Original Theatrical Trailer

质量: 蓝光
视频分辨率/扫描: 1080p
容器: BDMV
视频编解码器: H.264
音频编解码器: PCM
视频: MPEG-4 AVC 视频 / 30001 kbps / 1080p / 23,976 fps / 16:9 / High Profile 4.1
音频: 英语/ LPCM 音频 / 2.0 / 48 kHz / 1536 kbps / 16 位

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