
Quality: FLAC 24 bit / 44.1 kHz (Tracks)
Artist: Thomas Kahn
Title: This is Real (Deluxe)
Released: 2024
Style: R&B, Soul, Funk, Pop
RAR Size: 924 Mb

01. Thomas Kahn – A place like Home
02. Thomas Kahn – Whenever You Want
03. Thomas Kahn – Bad Days
04. Thomas Kahn – Brother I Miss You (Live at Realworld Studios)
05. Thomas Kahn – More than Sunshine (Live at Realworld Studios)
06. Thomas Kahn – Don’t Look at Me (Live at Real World Studios)
07. Thomas Kahn – It Won’t Be So long (Live at Real World Studios)
08. Thomas Kahn – Stay Away (Live at Real World Studios)
09. Thomas Kahn – Out Of The Blue (Live at Real World Studios)
10. Thomas Kahn – Hope (Live at Real World Studios)
11. Thomas Kahn – More than Sunshine
12. Thomas Kahn – Doomed From The Start
13. Thomas Kahn – Stay Away
14. Thomas Kahn – Don’t Look at Me
15. Thomas Kahn – Hope
16. Thomas Kahn – It Won’t Be So Long
17. Thomas Kahn – Try to see further
18. Thomas Kahn – Flying Around
19. Thomas Kahn – Alone
20. Thomas Kahn – Out Of The Blue
21. Thomas Kahn – Brother I Miss You
22. Thomas Kahn – I’m in Love

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