
Quality: FLAC 24 bit / 44.1 kHz (Tracks)
Artist: Rhys Bloodjoy
Title: The Chaos In Veins (Deluxe Edition)
Released: 2024
Style: Post-Punk, Alternative, Noise Rock
RAR Size: 1.52 Gb

01. Rhys Bloodjoy – Oxygen
02. Rhys Bloodjoy – War Cell AWOL
03. Rhys Bloodjoy – Slit Wrists
04. Rhys Bloodjoy – Drugs Loop
05. Rhys Bloodjoy – A Girl Damned
06. Rhys Bloodjoy – Chew, Spit, Spew
07. Rhys Bloodjoy – Feel
08. Rhys Bloodjoy – Screaming Gugo
09. Rhys Bloodjoy – Viva Lonely Star
10. Rhys Bloodjoy – Soul Desire
11. Rhys Bloodjoy – Vividsection
12. Rhys Bloodjoy – Silver Lips
13. Rhys Bloodjoy – Women Vs the Inertia of Man
14. Rhys Bloodjoy – Neo-reflective Clockwork Sisters
15. Rhys Bloodjoy – Polly Brown
16. Rhys Bloodjoy – A Banshee’s Lament
17. Rhys Bloodjoy – Reflections of a Girl
18. Rhys Bloodjoy – Temptress Signals & Sirenesque Frequencies
19. Rhys Bloodjoy – Aphrodite’s Mirror
20. Rhys Bloodjoy – The Day Venus Trashed Heaven
21. Rhys Bloodjoy – Death by Succubus
22. Rhys Bloodjoy – Suck
23. Rhys Bloodjoy – Run from the Hunter
24. Rhys Bloodjoy – Birth Canal Contemplation Blues
25. Rhys Bloodjoy – Celebration
26. Rhys Bloodjoy – Infernal Regions
27. Rhys Bloodjoy – Human Pattern Repeat
28. Rhys Bloodjoy – Psyche Attack
29. Rhys Bloodjoy – Aim High
30. Rhys Bloodjoy – Sex Grime
31. Rhys Bloodjoy – My Dress
32. Rhys Bloodjoy – Cold River
33. Rhys Bloodjoy – Broken Window
34. Rhys Bloodjoy – Scandinavian Girlfriend

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