◎译  名 John Mellencamp直言不讳:来自芝加哥剧院
◎片  名 John Mellencamp Plain Spoken From The Chicago Theatre
◎年  代 2018
◎产  地 美国
◎类  别 音乐/纪录
◎语  言 英语
◎上映日期 2018
◎片  长 80分钟
◎艺 术 家 John Mellencamp, Guitar, Vocals; Andy York, Guitar, Background Vocals; Miriam Sturm, Fiddle; Dane Clark, Drums; Mike Wanchic, Guitar, Background Vocals; Troye Kinnett, Accordion, Keyboards, Harmonica; John Gunnell, Bass

◎简  介

Songwriter. Storyteller. Musician. Actor. Artist. Social Activist… These are just some words that come to mind when the name John Mellencamp is spoken. On May 11, fans will have the ability to get a deeper look at this artist when Eagle Rock Entertainment proudly presents Plain Spoken: From The Chicago Theatre on DVD+CD, Blu-ray+CD, and digital formats.
“Try to keep it as plain spoken as possible…” those are some of the first words the viewer hears in Plain Spoken: From The Chicago Theatre. A self-narrated musical journey, the film encapsulates the sound and soul of John Mellencamp. Stepping outside the boundaries of a concert film or documentary, Plain Spoken blends highly personal voice-overs from Mellencamp with live footage of him performing with his full band at the historic Chicago Theatre, just 250 miles from his native Indiana. He tells us the story of his Midwestern upbringing, the trials, turns and triumphs of his career, and his overall outlook on life while the music plays, supporting his stories. The result is the essence of John Mellencamp, delivered fully on-screen.
In addition to the full film with Mellencamp’s commentary, this audio visual release offers a “non-commentary” option (available in the Main Menu) in which viewers can watch the concert on its own. The audio visual set is completed with a component CD of concert audio. The set, which includes special guest Carlene Carter, showcases Mellencamp performing his most cherished songs. “Small Town,” “Minutes To Memories,” “Pop Singer,” “Cherry Bomb,” “Longest Days,” “Authority Song,” and “Pink Houses” are just some of the gems cherry-picked from his brilliant catalogue, as well as including songs from his most recent album Sad Clowns And Hillbillies.
With a career spanning more than 35 years, John Mellencamp has elevated his legacy from pop star to one of the most highly-respected songwriters of a generation. A member of the Rock and Roll Hall Of Fame, “The Souls of the People” John Steinbeck Award, and will be inducted into the Songwriters Hall of Fame on June 14, 2018, among many other prestigious honors. He has achieved a total of 22 Top 40 hits in addition to earning the record for the “Most #1 tracks by a solo artist on the Hot Mainstream Rock Tracks” chart.
Plain Spoken: From The Chicago Theatre serves as a stunning cinematic experience that offers a welcoming, intimate glimpse into the words and wisdom of John Mellencamp.

1 Lawless Times 04:31
2 Troubled Man 04:05
3 Minutes To Memories 04:20
4 Small Town 05:09
5 Stones In My Passway 03:50
6 Pop Singer 03:24
7 Check It Out 05:18
8 Longest Days 04:00
9 The Full Catastrophe 04:01
10 My Soul’s Got Wings 02:58
11 Overture 03:05
12 Rain On The Scarecrow 04:49
13 Paper In Fire 04:39
14 Authority Song 04:35
15 Pink Houses 07:14
16 Cherry Bomb 06:01
? Commentary features John Mellencamp in what I might term “Matthew McConaughey car commercial” mode, as evidenced by the above epigram.

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