简介:月光4:旅程,月光系列的最新一集,集星空、生命、宇航为一体,画面精致绚丽,立体效果惊人,欣赏起来如痴如醉,是3D家庭影院的展示良品。它不仅是3D 技术,更是一种3D艺术,绝对会带给您无以伦比的感受。


Original Title: Lichtmond: The Journey
Year: 2016
Genre: demo


This is exactly what we experience up close with the fourth LICHTMOND production ,The Journey by the successful producers Giorgio and Martin Koppehele – more intensely, diversified and excitingly than ever before.

Partly surrealistic, partly realistic we enjoy the different elements of this new symbolic LICHTMOND world, which tells the story of becoming, changing and passing away in a complex, songaccompanied story.

With the main character, we fly into a beautiful landscape and see thechanging rapidly with the seasons and a year passing in a breathtaking speed.
Plants and objects are brought to life. A pyramid is the symbol for the small in the large – from a small magic object in the hand of theLife Giver up to a huge space ship. Transcendent stairs rise into the sky within an architecture floating in the clouds.

A universe of fantastic sounds
The unique LICHTMOND world of sounds and songs is distincvtive but still always new, giving the visual story dramaturgically perfect extra power, intensity and emotionality. The magical LICHTMOND-triangle of electronic, ethno- and rocksongs, great voices and moving poetry is ever again fascinating.
A special song-highlight this time is the amazing cover version of Robert Milesinstrumental classic . Giorgio and Martin created a wonderful version with the distinctive voice of LICHTMOND artist Meera Fé. It will be released as a radio single in parallel with the album. Another highlight is the renewed cooperation with the Corsican vocal acrobats I MUVRINI and Karen Kassulat on the song True Destination.

Together with their wives Suna (melodies and English lyrics) and Gabi (poems) Giorgio and Martin created many more musical sound pearls with the LICHTMOND artists Meera Fé (vocals, piano), Saskia Philipps (vocals) and Thomas E. Killinger (poems, piano).

Galactical high tech spheres
Naturally LICHTMOND The Journeyprovides again some features allowing the producers to push beyond the limits of technical possibilities, in order to have an even more brilliant listening and viewing experience.


01. The Journey Part 1
02. The Journey Part 2
03. Flowing like a River
04. Nothing but Change
05. Mind over Matter
06. Secrets of Life
07. True Destination
08. The World
09. Children (Inner Vision)
10. The Journey Part 3

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