英文片名:Kreator – London Apocalypticon – Live At The Roundhouse 2020
中文片名:Kreator演唱会 (2020)
类 型:音乐
地 区:德国
文件大小:45 GB, 蓝光原盘 1080p
音 轨:LPCM 2.0
字 幕:无字幕

Keep the flag of hate flying high: Thrash legionaries KREATOR have just closed the most successful cycle of their entire career. For a band entering its 38th year, that’s outright remarkable. Above all else, though, it’s rare. Bloody rare. The hunger, the fury, the lust for noise – everyone who came out to see KREATOR live since they released their thundering “Gods of Violence” knows about the Thrash apocalypse Mille and his crew brought upon stages around the globe. It’s only coherent to end this historic cycle with an equally fierce live release. Enter “London Apocalypticon – Live At The Roundhouse”, capturing the demolition-hammer-like show at London’s revered The Roundhouse on December 16th, 2018 – as raw, as loud, as infernally direct as only a KREATOR show can be. It’s no coincidence that the band picked London as the epicentre of their furious new live release. There, on the shores of the Thames, did their bring their triumphant march of “Gods of Violence” to a grand finale after more than 150 shows on five continents. No wonder it’s in the centre of each of the various formats “London Apocalypticon – Live At The Roundhouse” will be released in.


London Apocalypticon – Live at the Roundhouse
01. Choir Of The Damned / Enemy Of God
02. Hail To The Hordes
03. Awakening Of The Gods
04. People Of The Lie
05. Gods Of Violence
06. Satan Is Real
07. Mars Mantra / Phantom Antichrist
08. Fallen Brother
09. Flag Of Hate
10. Phobia
11. Hordes Of Chaos
12. The Patriarch / Violent Revolution
13. Pleasure To Kill / Apocalypticon

Live in Chile
01. Mars Mantra
02. Phantom Antichrist
03. Hail To The Hordes
04. Satan Is Real
05. Civilization Collapse
06. Flag Of Hate
07. Phobia
08. Gods Of Violence
09. Fallen Brother
10. Hordes Of Chaos
11. The Patriarch
12. Violent Revolution
13. Pleasure To Kill
14. Apocalypticon

Masters Of Rock
01. Choir Of The Damned / Hordes Of Chaos
02. Phobia
03. Satan Is Real
04. Gods Of Violence
05. People Of The Lie
06. Total Death
07. Mars Mantra / Phantom Antichrist
08. Fallen Brother
09. Enemy Of God
10. From Flood Into Fire
11. Apocalypticon / World War Now
12. Hail To The Hordes
13. Extreme Agression
14. Civilization Collapse
15. The Patriarch / Violent Revolution
16. Pleasure To Kill / Death Becomes My Light

Violent Visions videos
01. Fallen Brother
02. Hail To The Hordes
03. Gods Of Violence
04. Satan Is Real
05. Totalitarian Terror

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