英文片名:The Robert Cray Band: 4 Nights Of 40 Years Live
中文片名:罗伯特.克雷演唱会 (2014)
类 型:音乐
地 区:美国
文件大小:17.9 GB, 蓝光原盘 1080p
音 轨:英语 AC3 2.0
字 幕:无字幕

Title: The Robert Cray Band: 4 Nights Of 40 Years Live
Release year: 2014
Genre: Blues, Blues Rock, Modern Electric Blues, Soul-Blues
Directed by Jojo Pennebaker
Artist: Robert Cray – guitar, volals; Richard Cousins ​​- bass; Les Falconer – drums; Dover Weinberg – keys; Steve Jordan – drums, percussion; Kim Wilson – vocal, harmonica; Lee Oskar – harmonica; Tom Scott – soprano saxophon; Trevor Lawrence – tenor saxophon; Steve Madalo – trumpet


Contemporary blues icon Robert Cray will be celebrating his 40th birthday with the incredible live release, 4 of the Nights of 40 Years Live on the 28th August 2015. The first CD contains new live recordings from four nights recorded at four venues in the Los Angeles area. The setlist spans Robert Cray’s entire career, all the way to his Provogue releases Nothin ‘But Love and In My Soul. On the bonus CD we included some vintage Robert Cray live recordings from 1982 and 1987. The Blu-ray contains 90 minutes of concert footage from multiple camera angles creating an incredible perspective. It also contains personal in-depth interviews with Robert Cray, his band members and testimonials from legends as Eric Clapton, Buddy Guy, Keith Richards, Jimmie Vaughan and Bonnie Raitt.

Decades flash by in the wink of an eye, which may explain how the perennial blues of a young gun is in the middle of the fourth millennium. 4 Nights of 40 Years is a souvenir salute to his longevity, a career that started in earnest with the 1980 release of Who’s Been Talkin ‘, but started earlier when he was gigging throughout the’ 70s. Cray scored an unexpected crossover hit in 1987 thanks to “Smoking Gun” and unlike some of his’ 80s blues peers, he was not content leaning on flash. He deepened his R & B roots, honing his solos so they stung, and settling into a nicely textured soul-blues groove that emphasized rhythms as much as songs or solos. All in this is evident on 2015’s In My Soul. That record is not featured here, nor is the “Smoking Gun” – that hit, along with other Strong Persuader material, is on the bonus for the Dutch TV in 1987, plus two performances from the SFO Blues Festival in 1982 – so the emphasis winds up on the Cray’s overall catalog, finding space for covers like “Wolverine” It Up. ” What’s striking throughout is Cray’s ease: he’s never reaching too hard, never emphasizing either blues or soul. By just sounding like himself, it’s obvious that he’s inherited the role of old blues. –AllMusic Review by Stephen Thomas Erlewine

01. Intro / I Shiver
02. T-Bone Shuffle
03. Love Gone To Waste
04. I Guess I Showed Her
05. I’ll Always Remember You
06. Your Good Thing Is About To End
07. Too Many Cooks
08. Wrap It Up
09. Will not Be Coming Home
10. Smoking Gun
11. Sittin ‘On Top of the World
12. Two Steps From The End
13. Bad Influence
14. These Things
15. Right Next Door (Because Of Me)
16. The Forecast (Calls For Pain)
17. Time Makes Two

Issued: United States | Provogue
Duration: 1:34:14

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