
Жанр: Opera
Продолжительность: 02:27:48
Год выпуска: 2015

Лейбл: EuroArts
Субтитры: Spanish, French, German, English
Дирижер: Ivor Bolton
Режиссер/Хореограф: Krzysztof Warlikowski
Angela Denoke – Alceste
Paul Groves – Admète
Willard White – High Priest of Apollon / Thanatos
Magnus Staveland – Evandre
Thomas Oliemans – Hercule
Isaac Galán – Apollon
Fernando Radó – Orakel

Teatro Real Chorus and Orchestra

Описание: In the Gluck-Year 2014 the Teatro Real in Madrid celebrated the outstanding success of the esteemed director Krysztof Warlikowski’s newly produced staging of „Alceste“, under the musical baton of Ivor Bolton. (Premiers on the 7th of February 2014). A sumptuous hall, a sovereign aristocrat, an explosive TV-Interview. The role of Alceste displayed to the audience of Madrid, strongly resembles the personage of Lady Diana…Featuring the celebrity cast of: Angela Denoke as Alceste, Paul Groves as Admète and Willard White as senior priest Apollos. Furthermore with Thomas Oliemans (Hercule), Fernando Radó (Orakel), Magnus Staveland (Évandre) and Isaac Galàn (Apollon). The „Parisian-version“ in French, celebrated world- premiere in 1777, ten years after the debut premiere. The new „must have“ disc for every fan of Gluck (apart from the legendary Gardiner/Wilson DVD (EMI 1999)). Warlikowski‘s theatre circulates around the depths and secrets of love and desire and drills its arrows into the viewers flesh, so that the pain shall relieve the head and the heart.

Опера в трех действиях Кристофа Виллибальда Глюка на либретто (по-итальянски) Раньеро да Кальцабиджи, основанное на греческом мифе в том виде, как он изложен в одноименной трагедии Эврипида.

Качество: Blu-ray
Разрешение видео/развертка: 1080i
Контейнер: BDMV
Видео кодек: H.264
Аудио кодек: PCM
Видео: MPEG-4 AVC Video / 15000 kbps / 1080i / 29.970 fps / 16:9 / High Profile 4.1
Аудио: French / LPCM Audio / 2.0 / 48 kHz / 2304 kbps / 24-bit

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