
Vanessa Mai Live aus Berlin

Жанр: Pop,eurodance,disco
Продолжительность: 02:08:05
Год выпуска: 2017

Описание: Vanessa Mai live at the Berlin Tempodrom
For two and a half hours, Vanessa Mai rocked the stage of the sold-out Tempodrom in Berlin on October 10, 2016. With “Für dich – Live aus Berlin” there is now a recording of the live spectacle, both as a concert film and live album.

After both the Wintergarten and the Friedrichstadtpalast turned out to be too small for the fan rush, the concert was moved to the Tempodrom, which after all has 3,000 seats.

The result was a gigantic hit party with a Vanessa Mai, who heated up the crowd with numerous hits and a rousing stage performance.

Mai sang a total of 25 songs that evening, including classics such as “Wachgeküsst”, “Wolke 7”, “In all deinen Farben” and many more. Of course the pop princess also sang some songs from her new album “Für dich”, for example “Ich sterb für dich”, “Meilenweit” and “Ohne dich”.

With “Für dich – Live aus Berlin” the entire recording of the concert is now available on DVD and Blu-ray as well as on double CD. The bonus material on DVD and Blu-ray also includes picture galleries from the concert evening.

For all those who unfortunately couldn’t be there live or want to experience the fabulous concert again, there is now Vanessa Mais “For you – Live from Berlin”.

Доп. информация:
1.Intro Mein Herz schlägt Schlager
2.Mein Herz schlägt Schlager
4.Intro Für dich
5.Für dich
8.Wie ein Blitz
9.Du berührst mein Herz
10.Wunder gibt’s nicht nur im Himmel
11.Wolkenfrei Medley
12.Intro Phänomenal
15.Südseewind auf der Haut
16.Küss mich nochmal
17.Ohne dich
18.Ohne dich schlaf ich heut Nacht nicht ein
19.Jeans, T-Shirt und Freiheit
20.Du und ich
21.Irgendwie, irgendwo, irgendwann
22.Es wird schon hell über Berlin
23.Wolke 7
24.In all deinen Farben
25.Ich sterb für dich

Качество: Blu-ray
Разрешение видео/развертка: 1080i
Контейнер: BDMV
Аудио кодек: DTS
Видео: MPEG-4 AVC Video, 28996 kbps, 1080i / 25 fps / 16:9 / High Profile 4.1
Аудио: LPCM Audio German 2304 kbps 2.0 / 48 kHz / 2304 kbps / 24-bit
Аудио 2: DTS-HD Master Audio German 4705 kbps 5.1 / 48 kHz / 4705 kbps / 24-bit (DTS Core: 5.1 / 48 kHz / 1509 kbps / 24-bit)

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