Genre: New Wave | Rock
Quality: BDRip | 1080p
Format: MKV | 8253kbps
Length: 01:12:17 + 00:13:05 | 7.19Gb
Video: H.264 | 1920×1080 | 16:9 | 23.976fps
Audio 1: LPCM | 2304kbps | 48kHz | 2 channels: L R
Audio 2: DTS | 1509kbps | 48kHz | 6 channels: Front: L C R, Surround: L R
Language: English

About: Prepare for an explosive journey through a blistering setlist with Duran Duran’s ‘A Hollywood High’ on Blu-ray and DVD. Visually stunning, this electrifying high-rise rooftop performance was filmed in Los Angeles at The Aster, framed against an iconic LA skyline and the Capitol Records building. Experience the pulsating energy of the band’s timeless music in crystal-clear 4K, enhanced by 5.1 and Dolby Atmos surround sound. With exclusive extras, behind-the-scenes footage, and interviews, this video is a must-have for any Duran Duran fan.

01. A view to a kill
02. Invisible
03. All of you
04. Notorious
05. Come undone
06. Give it all up
07. Pressure off
08. White lines
09. Anniversary
10. Ordinary world
11. Tonight united
12. Hungry like the wolf

Bonus features:
– Interview with Roger Taylor
– ‘All Of You’ exclusive (never seen before) performance
– Film premiere Q&A highlights

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