Title: Björk – Biophilia Live
Released: 2014
Genre: Trip Hop, Electronic, Experimental
Directed by: Nick Fenton, Peter Strickland
Artists: Björk – Arranger, Bass, Choir Arrangement, Composer, Creation, Drum Programming, Lyricist, Mixing, Musical Director, Primary Artist, Producer, Programming, Sound Design, Writer; David Attenborough – Vocals; Shelley Burgon, Sara Cutler, Zeena Parkins, Carol Emanuel – Harp; Johnny Donne, Gary Hutchings, Dan Moriarty, Jem Morton, Simon Muir, Andy Pinkney, Alex Tate – Grip; Eygló Höskuldsdóttir Viborg, Guðrun M. Sigurbergsdóttir, Elin Edda Sigurðardóttir, Unnur Sigurðardóttir, Vigdis Sigurðardóttir, Drifa Örvarsdóttir, Asdis Eva Ólafsdóttir, Kristin Einarsdóttir Mäntylä, Erla Maria Markúsdóttir, Jóna G. Kolbrúnardóttir, Fifa Jónsdóttir, Sigurborg Skúladóttir Kaldal, Bergljot Rafnar Karlsdóttir, Sigrún Ósk Jóhannesdóttir, Gigja Haraldsdóttir, Graduale Nobili, Erla Run Guðmundsdóttir, Kristin Anna Guðmundsdóttir, Gigja GylfadóttirAsta Ægisdóttir, Ester Auðunsdóttir, Auður Albertsdóttir, Arnheiður Eiriksdóttir, Asdis Björg Gestsdóttir – Choir / Chorus

Released: one little indian records
Duration: 1:36:32
Quality: Blu-ray
Container: BDMV
Video codec: AVC
Audio Codec: PCM
Video: VC-1 20000 kbps / 1920 * 1080p / 23,976 fps / 16: 9 / Advanced Profile 3
# 1 Audio: English LPCM 5.1 / 48 kHz / 6912 kbps / 24-bit
Audio # 2: English LPCM 2.0 / 48 kHz / 2304 kbps / 24-bit
SIze: 22.8 GB

• ‘biophilia live’ is a concert film directed by peter strickland and nick fenton and produced by jacqui edenbrow that captures the human element of björk’s multi-disciplinary multimedia project: biophilia. recorded live at björk’s show at london’s alexandra palace in 2013, the film features björk and her band performing every song on ‘biophilia’ and more using a broad variety of instruments – some digital, some traditional, and some completely unclassifiable. the film has already been hailed as “a captivating record of an artist in full command of her idiosyncratic powers” (variety) and “an imaginative stand-alone artwork” (hollywood reporter) and is a vital piece of the grand mosaic that is ‘biophilia.’
“There are not many artists who can combine the lifecycle of a jellyfish with a breakbeat and make it work. But this is an extraordinary piece, perhaps more an opera, where Björk and drummer Manu Delago are at their virtuosic best. It’s utterly bonkers yet moving – especially a strange love song set to a mutating virus. It should be mandatory viewing for anyone about to dam a glacial river to facilitate aluminium smelting.” –The Guardian
“a dazzling audiovisual spectacle that benefits from the full cinematic treatment . . . Heavenly constellations billow across dark sections of screen above the stage, sometimes engulfing Björk like she is some kind of gargantuan space goddess. . . . there are some gorgeous emotional depths here too, especially when the swooping harmonies of [the accompanying all-female Icelandic chorus] are given full rein.” –The Hollywood Reporter

1. “Óskasteinn” (Narrated by David Attenborough, sung by Graduale Nobili) Traditional 2:50
2. “Thunderbolt” Björk Oddný Eir Ævarsdóttir 5:22
3. “Moon” Björk Damian Taylor 6:05
4. “Crystalline” Björk 5:12
5. “Hollow” Björk 6:00
6. “Dark Matter” Björk Mark Bell 3:05
7. “Hidden Place” Björk 5:48
8. “Virus” Sjón Björk 5:36
9. “Possibly Maybe” Björk 5:07
10. “Mouth’s Cradle” Björk 4:17
11. “Isobel” Björk Marius de Vries Nellee Hooper Sjón 6:12
12. “Sonnets / Unrealities XI” Björk EE Cummings 2:03
13. “Mutual Core” Björk 5:18
14. “Cosmogony” Sjón Björk 5:23
15. “Solstice” Sjón Björk 5:44
16. “One Day” Björk 7:10
17. “Náttúra” Björk 3:32
18. “Declare Independence” Björk Bell 4:55
19. “Sacrifice” Björk 5:18
20. “Bat Sounds” (by Jeremy Deller, end credits

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