Title: Sigur Ros – Valtari Film Experiment
Release Date: 2013
Genre: Rock, Alternative, Performing Arts

Production/Label: EMI
Duration: 02:17:00
Quality: Blu-ray
Container: BDMV
Video codec: MPEG4 AVC
Audio codec: LPCM
Video: MPEG-4 AVC 12997 kbps 1920*1080i / 29,970 fps / 16:9 / High Profile 4.1
Audio: English LPCM 2.0 / 48 kHz / 2304 kbps / 24-bit
Size: 23.12 GB

A collection of short films shot for the music of Icelandic post-rock band Sigur Ros. Sigur Ros are known for their haunting, ethereal music and elements of mystique to their onstage and offstage personas. For their 2012 album ‘Valtari’ the band enlisted a number of film makers including Ramin Bahrani, Alma Har’el and John Cameron Mitchell to produce a video for each of the album’s tracks. Interested in exploring concepts of artistic freedom, the band gave the directors no instructions and simply allowed them to produce whatever images came to mind when they listened to the music.


01. Varúð (Inga Birgisdóttir)
02. Valtari (Christian Larson)
03. Ég Anda (Ragnar Kjartansson)
04. Ekki Múkk (Nick Abrahams)
05. Varðeldur (Clare Langan)
06. Leaning Towards Solace (Floria Sigismondi)
07. Seraph (Dash Shaw John Cameron Mitchell)
08. Dauðalogn (Ruslan Fedotow)
09. Rembihnútur (Arni And Kinski)
10. Fjögur Píanó (Alma Har’el)
11. Ég Anda (Ramin Bahrani)
12. Varðeldur (Melika Bass)
13. Varúð (Bjorn Floki)
14. Dauðalogn (Henry J W Lee)
15. Fjögur Píanó (Anafelle Liu, Dio Lau and Ken Ngan)
16. Varúð (Ryan Mcginley)

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