英文片名:Mozart: Piano Concertos
中文片名:莫扎特钢琴协奏曲 (2012)
类 型:音乐
地 区:美国
文件大小:43.79 GB, 蓝光原盘 1080p
音 轨:LPCM 2.0
字 幕:无字幕


Berliner Philharmoniker
Daniel Barenboim

This exceptional production, shot in 1988/1989 on 35 mm film and directed by George Moorse, Jean-Pierre Ponnelle and Klaas Rusticus, has been digitally remastered with the greatest care for high-quality audio and video restoration. The music of Mozart has been an essential driving force of Daniel Barenboim’s entire life. It remains central to his performing career both as a pianist and as a conductor. These illuminating performances of Mozart’s last eight great piano concertos admirably demonstrate Barenboim’s dictum that even when a true musician has already performed a familiar work hundreds of times, he or she ‘never accepts that the next note will be played the same way as it was played before’. Amongst the orchstra legendary musicians are playing: Toru Yasunaga and Leon Spierer, Daniel Stabrawa and Soloists Karl Leister (Clarinette), Gerd Seifert (Horn), Hanns-Joachim Westphal (Violin) and Karlheinz Zöller (Flute). Released on EuroArts’s new sub-label: Recorded Excellence – Historical Value.

Mozart: Last 8 Piano Concertos Piano Concerto
No. 20 in D minor, K. 466; Piano Concerto
No. 21 in C major, K. 467; Piano Concerto
No. 22 in E flat major, K. 482; Piano Concerto
No. 23 in A major, K. 488; Piano Concerto
No. 24 in C minor, K. 491; Piano Concerto
No. 25 in C major, K. 503; Piano Concerto
No. 26 in D major, K. 537; Piano Concerto
No. 27 in B flat major, K. 595

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