英文片名:Audrey Horne Waiting For The Night
中文片名:奥黛丽·霍恩 Audrey Horne演唱会 (20220)
类 型:音乐
地 区:美国
文件大小:22.5 GB, 蓝光原盘 1080p
音 轨:英语 English 2.0
字 幕:无字幕

AUDREY HORNE is back with their first live-album –timeless hard-rock which leaves nothing to be desired. AUDREY HORNE has a reputation as one of the best and most energetic live hard-rock bands in Europe. Over the course of 18 years, six albums and a countless live shows, they have continued to prove this. Now AUDREY HORNE has merged the highlights of two of their legendary concerts on vinyl and CD for the first time ever. Waiting For The Night contains 16 energetic tracks that were recorded live at the “USF Verftet” and “Bergfesten” in their hometown Bergen (Norway) in 2018: passionate, rousing, timeless, extraordinary hard rock that leaves nothing to be desired. Starting with their debut No Hay Banda, reaching all the way to their latest studio album Blackout, the listener will be taken on an excellent trip through the memorable career of the band around the exceptional Norwegian musicians Toschie (vocals), Ice Dale (guitar – Enslaved) and Thomas Tofthagen (guitar – ex-Sahg). Fans will get excited about the bonus Blu-ray, which contains many rarities of the bands history, including bonus features that date back to the early years as well as live excerpts from the years 2014 and 2018.

1. Redemption Blues (Verftet, Bergen 2018)
2. Straight into your grave (Verftet, Bergen 2018)
3. This is war (Paris 2018)
4. Blackout (Bergenfest 2018)
5. Wolf in my heart (Verftet, Bergen 2014)
6. Youngblood (Bergenfest 2018)
7. Weightless (Verftet, Bergen 2018)
8. Pretty Little Sunshine (Paris 2018)
9. Sail Away (Verftet, Bergen 2018)
10. Threshold (Verftet, Bergen 2018)
11. There goes a Lady (Verftet, Bergen 2014)
12. Waiting for the night (Verftet, Bergen 2018)
13. Blaze of Ashes (Verftet, Bergen 2018)

Bonus features:
1. The beginning (early days Bergen 2003-2004)
2. Uken 2006
3. Release “Audrey Horne” Bergen 2010
4. Paris 2018
5. Karmøygeddon 2019

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