莎拉•布莱曼(Sarah Brightman)是全球唱片销量最高的女高音歌唱家,专辑累计销量高达3500万张。近期,她发布了五年来的第一张录音室专辑《赞美诗》,同时有一部新电影上线,新专辑宣传的巡回演唱会也将拉开帷幕。


In celebration of her upcoming new album Hymn, best-selling soprano Sarah Brightman is in cinemas November 8 only with an incredible performance. HYMN: Sarah Brightman In Concert was captured live for the big screen from the Festspielhaus in the enchanted Bavarian Alps, known for the historic and captivating Neuschwanstein Castle. Staged in two acts, the 90-minute performance is a hybrid of a musical film, a classical-crossover program and a large-scale concert production. Brightman is accompanied by her band, the Munich orchestra, a 50-voice choir and the Ludwig Ensemble of dancers. The concert was conceived and created by Sarah Brightman, Anthony Von Laast (Mamma Mia, Beauty and the Beast), and Frank Peterson (Enigma, Andrea Bocelli). Filmed using state-of-the-art video and audio technologies, cinema audiences will also enjoy an exclusive “making of” feature.

Fleurs Du Mal
Stranger In Paradise
Carpe Diem feat. Mario Frangoulis
Anytime Anywhere
Gia Nel Seno
(La Storia Di Lucrezia)
Misere Mei
Follow Me
Figlio Perduto
Who Wants To Live Forever
Tu Che M’Hai Preso Il Cuor
Miracle (Sarah’s Version) feat. Yoshiki

Hymn Overture
Sogni feat. Vincent Niclo
There For Me feat. Vincent Niclo
Better Is One Day
Canto Per Noi
Pie Jesu feat. Narcis
Fly To Paradise
Time To Say Goodbye
Phantom Of The Opera feat. Mario Frangoulis
Sky And Sand

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