马勒交响曲 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Abbado 阿巴多 琉森演出系 精装套盒 4盘25G

碟1碟2:马勒交响曲1-4 马勒:第1-4交响曲)
Mahler:Symphonies 1-4
音轨:原声 DTS-HD5.1

碟3碟4:马勒交响曲5-7 第5-7交响曲)
Mahler:Symphonies 5-7
音轨:原声 DTS-HD5.1/德 LPCM 2.0

Mahler: Symphonies Nos. 1-7
Recorded live at the Concert Hall of the Culture and Convention Centre Lucerne, 2003-2009
Symphony No. 1 in D major ‘Titan‘
Symphony No. 2 ‘Resurrection‘
Eteri Gvazava (soprano) & Anna Larson (mezzo)
Orféon Donosiarra
Symphony No. 3
Anna Larsson (contralto)
Arnold Schoenberg Choir Vienna & Tölzer Knabenchor
Symphony No. 4
Magdalena Ko?ená (mezzo-soprano)
Symphony No. 5
Symphony No. 6 in A minor ‘Tragic‘
Symphony No. 7
Lucerne Festival Orchestra, Claudio Abbado
Claudio Abbado was undeniably the supreme Mahler conductor of our time. With his Lucerne Festival Orchestra he has set new standards in the field of classical music, especially in the interpretation of works by Gustav Mahler.

The core of the orchestra is provided by the Mahler Chamber Orchestra, itself an élite body of players. Soloists like violinist Kolja Blacher, clarinettist Sabine Meyer, oboist Albrecht Mayer, violist Wolfram Christ, cellist Natalia Gutman, the Hagen Quartet and members of the Alban Berg Quartet to name just a few, make the Lucerne Festival Orchestra a star-studded ensemble.

The DVDs and Blu-ray Discs of Claudio Abbado‘s Mahler symphonies recordings Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 have already proven to be true Best-sellers. On the occasion of Mahler‘s 100. Anniversary of Death (May 18), EuroArts will release a luxurious 4 Blu-ray Box set, including the Mahler Symphonies Nos. 1-7 with the Lucerne Festival Orchestra and Claudio Abbado.

Packaging: Digipack in Slipcase with 72 pages Booklet

Blu-ray Disc 1: Mahler: Symphony Nos. 1 & 2; Blu-ray Disc 2: Mahler: Symphony Nos. 3 & 4; Blu-ray Disc 3: Mahler: Symphony Nos. 5 & 6; Blu-ray Disc 4: Mahler: Symphony No. 7

An aficionado must-have!

“It’s different having best friends together. Everyone is there to enjoy making music, to take pleasure, to play with enthusiasm, with passion. They are prepared to do any crazy thing I ask them for the sake of the music. To fly, to walk through fire.” Claudio Abbado

“Has there ever been a suaver, more transparent Mahler performance or one in which everything stays so beautifully in tune? … Abbado’s music-making is a celebration of the purest joy.” The Gramophone Magazine

Picture format BD: 1080i Full HD – 16:9

Sounds formats BD: PCM 2.0, DTS HD Master Audio

Region code: All

Subtitles:: English, German, French (Italian, Spanish)

Booklet notes: English, German, French

Running time: 550 mins

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