席尔绝对灵韵演唱会实录 Seal – Soundstage Presents Seal Live 2008 《BDMV 18.7G》

席尔(英语:Seal,1963年2月19日-),全名Seal Henry Olusegun Olumide Adeola Samuel,生于英国伦敦帕丁顿,尼日利亚-巴西裔英国灵魂歌手和曲作家。
2005年5月10日,席尔与德裔美国模特海蒂·克鲁姆在墨西哥结婚。两人育有两子两女,依大小排序分别为:女儿莱妮(Leni)、儿子亨利(Henry)和约翰(Johan),以及据Klum所宣告的最后一个孩子,女儿露(Lou )。两人于2012年1月宣告离婚。
PS. Leni在血缘上为Klum和前男友Flavio Briatore的孩子,但Seal已经正式收养孩子,并从孩子出生以来一直担任父亲的角色;厄娜(Erna Klum)为Klum的妈妈(先前wiki资讯错误,特此注明)。另,以上名字皆为简称。


Soundstage: Seal
Year: 2008
Genre: Soul, R&B, Pop
Director: Joe Thomas

Seals one-of-a-kind soaring, husky baritone voice is perfect for any genre. Hes delighted fans and earned critical acclaim while staying true to classic, honest songwriting in his remarkable two-decade career. And now, hes done it again with the release of his exceptional sixth studio album Soul. Together with legendary music producer David Foster, Seal adds his signature touch to some of the best soul songs ever created. In a stunning performance, Seal evokes an era when music vividly captured emotion and romance. Joined by Foster, as well as a choir and string section, Seal takes on Ann Pebbles I Cant Stand the Rain, Sam Cookes A Change Is Gonna Come, and Harold Melvin and the Blue Notes If You Dont Know Me By Now. Tune in and catch more timeless favorites and hits like Kiss From a Rose.


1. A Change is Gonna Come
2. I Can’t Stand the Rain
3. It’s a Man’s Man’s Man’s World
4. Knock on Wood
5. If You Don’t Know Me By Now
6. I’ve Been Loving You Too Long
7. Here I Am (Come and Take Me)
8. People Get Ready
9. Stand by Me

Bonus Tracks:

10. Crazy
11. Kiss From a Rose

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