Title Of Album: Teaser And The Firecat (Reissue, Remastered, Anniversary Edition)
Year Of Release: (1971) [2021]
Label: Island Records [00602435949628]
Country: UK
Genre: Folk Rock, Pop Rock
Quality: Blu-ray
Video: MPEG-4 AVC Video / 29968 kbps / 1080i / 29.970 fps / 16:9 / High Profile 4.1
Audio: English / LPCM Audio / 2.0 / 48 kHz / 2304 kbps / 24-bit
Audio: English / LPCM Audio / 2.0 / 48 kHz / 1536 kbps / 16-bit
Time: 00:32:49 + 01:16:22
Full Size: 21.55 GB

Yusuf/Cat Stevens celebrates 1971’s landmark album with this extensive Super Deluxe 4CD/Blu-ray Box Set. It includes the 50th Anniversary remaster of the original album on CD and Blu-ray HD Audio completed at Abbey Road Studios and overseen by the original album producer, Paul Samwell-Smith.

“Slimmed down” or “CD” version of the super deluxe contains the 4CDs and Blu-ray, but no vinyl. It also includes the 108-page book in a softcover format with all this content housed in a rigid slipcase.

HD 24bit/48kHz audio of Teaser and the Firecat (50th anniversary remaster)
1. The Wind
2. Rubylove
3. If I Laugh
4. Changes IV
5. How Can I Tell You
6. Tuesday’s Dead
7. Morning Has Broken
8. Bitterblue
9. Moonshadow
10. Peace Train

1. The Wind (Dubville Sessions 2020)
2. Moonshadow (HD restoration of original 1977 animated video)

Cat Stevens Live In Montreux, Switzerland (2nd May 1971) [00:25:16]
1. Longer Boats
2. Sad Lisa
3. Wild World
4. Katmandu
5. Lady D’Arbanville
6. Where Do The Children Play?
7. Peace Train

Out Front: Cat Stevens And Friends (Yorkshire TV) (7th September 1971) [00:26:21]
1. Moonshadow
2. Where Do The Children Play?
3. Longer Boats
4. Tuesday’s Dead
5. Sad Lisa
6. Hard Headed Woman
7. Father And Son

The Old Grey Whistle Test (BBC TV) (5th October 1971) [00:06:58]
1. If I Laugh
2. Changes IV

Cat Stevens In Concert (BBC TV) (27th November 1971) [00:17:47]
1. Moon Shadow
2. Tuesday’s Dead
3. How Can I Tell You
4. Bitterblue
5. Changes IV

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