英文片名:Coroner: Autopsy – The Years in Pictures
中文片名:演唱会 (2014)
类 型:音乐
地 区:德国
文件大小:82.29 GB, 蓝光原盘 1080i
音 轨:AC3 2.0
字 幕:无字幕

Title: Coroner: Autopsy – The Years in Pictures
Year: 1985-2014
Genre: Technical Metal
Directed by: Bruno Amstutz, Lukas Rüttimann
Artist: Ron Broder (as Ron Royce) – bass, vocals (1985-1996, 2010-present), Tommy Vetterli (as Tommy T. Baron) – guitars (1985-1996, 2010-present), Marky Edelmann (as Marquis Marky ) – drums (1983-1996, 2010-2014)


Legendary Swiss metal pioneers, CORONER, whose line-up currently consists of Tommy Vetterli (guitar), Diego Rapacchietti (drums) and Ron Broder (bass / vocals), are heading back into the studio for the first time in over two decades! The band originally made a name for themselves in the underground music scene with their discerning brand of technical thrash metal. Now, after 23 long years since the release of the bands last album Grin, (1993), CORONER are pleased to announce plans to release a new studio album with Sony Music and Century Media Records in 2017.

For those not in the know; in the 1990s, CORONER caused quite a stir within the music industry with their progressive and technically sophisticated sound. All over the world, CORONER was considered one of the most unconventional, avant-garde metal bands, attracting the attention of global greats like Metallica. Today, CORONER is highly respected by not only by musicians such as Max Cavalera (Sepultura), Franz Treichler (The Young Gods) and Mille Petrozza (Kreator), but also by metal fans throughout all genres of metal. After the release of Grin, CORONER unfortunately called it a day, which saw their best-of album, Coroner, being released two years later. Then, in 2011, Tommy Vetterli, Ron Broder, and the then drummer and founding member, Marky Edelmann returned to the stage. At the time, the members of CORONER were almost certain that they would not be able to find the time for a new studio album. “Almost” being the key word here.

For their seventh studio album, due to be released in 2017, CORONER have signed a worldwide record deal with Sony Music Switzerland, which has enlisted the help of Century Media Records, whom will release the new CORONER record internationally. For fans whom simply can not wait for their next fix, CORONER have a special treat in store with Autopsy.

Autopsy is a 3 x Blu-ray + LP or a 3 x DVD + CD set that is jam-packed with live recordings, a documentary movie of the band’s history, previously unseen interviews and a best of compilation. The Vinyl + Blu-ray Box, which is limited to 3,000 copies, is a real collector’s item and every copy of the box is signed by the band members themselves (See top photo!). This awe-inspiring collection will see the light of day on September 23rd, 2016.

BD1: Rewind
1. Rewind Documentary
BD2: Reunion (2011)
01. Intro (Live) 01:26
02. Golden Camera Sleeper, Pt. 1 (Live) 04:36
03. Masked Jackal (Live) 04:43
04. Serpent Moves (Live) 06:09
05. Internal Conflicts (Live) 05:47
06. Son of Lilith (Live) 06:29
07. D.O.A. (Live) 04:26
08. Status: Still Thinking (Live) 04:50
09. Metamorphosis (Live) 08:25
10. The Lethargic Age (Live) 04:19
11. The Invincible (Live) 07:01
12. Semtex Revolution (Live) 05:12
13. Gliding Above While Being Below (Live) 03:09
14. Divine Step (Live) 06:34
15. Der Mussolini (Live) 02:47
16. Grin (Live) 00:06:57
17. Reborn Through Hate (Live) 04:27
BD3: Archives
01. Live in East Berlin 1990 47:30
02. Masked Jackal (Music Video) 04:52
03. I Want You (She’s so Heavy) (Music Video) 03:52
04. Last Entertainment (Music Video) 04:08
05. Spectators of Sin (1986) 7:06
06. The Invincible (Rehearsal Room) 05:44
07. Funeral Tour Excerpts 1996 (Live Funeral Tour 1996) 9:14

Issued: Germany | Century Media
Duration: 01: 46: 39 + 02: 19: 00 + 01: 25: 23

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