英文片名:Mozart: Cosi fan tutte[EUROARTS]
中文片名:莫扎特歌剧:女人心 维也纳爱乐乐团 (2009)
类 型:音乐
地 区:意大利
文件大小:44.35 GB, 蓝光原盘 1080i
音 轨:意大利语 DTS-HDMA 5.1 意大利语 LPCM 2.0
字 幕:无字幕




莫扎特的歌剧《女人心》直译应该是“女人都是如此”。原来歌剧的副标题是“恋人的学校”(La scuola degli amanti),但莫扎特不太喜欢这个副题,尽管剧作者Da Ponte更倾向于它,认为那更能说明剧作的意图。



Mozart: Cosi fan tutte

Year: 2009
Genre: Opera


EuroArts and Unitel Classica present Cosм fan tutte on Blu-ray with an MPEG-2 codec in 1080i and 1.78:1. The best thing about this presentation from a visual standpoint is the beautifully robust color of the women’s dresses. The reds and purplish-pinks blossom beautifully, just perhaps glancing the edge of blooming territory without ever bleeding over into it. Detail overall is a tad on the soft side, not helped by Guth’s decision to cast large swaths of the stage in shadow. Contrast is acceptable, if never really brilliantly gradated, and there is some good to excellent detail on close-ups especially. Despina’s bright red hair is another standout (literally).

Recorded at the Haus für Mozart during the 2009 Salzburg Festival

Miah Persson, Isabel Leonard, Topi Lehtipuu, Florian Boesch, Bo Skovhus & Patricia Petibon

Wiener Philharmoniker, Adam Fischer

Claus Guth – staging

Director Claus Guth’s production of Mozart’s Da Ponte trilogy for the Salzburg Festival reaches its sensational conclusion with his elegant, stylish production of Così fan tutte from the “Haus für Mozart”. Guth bolsters the unity of the cycle by making ingenious reference to his stagings of the first two works, Le nozze di Figaro and Don Giovanni.

His widely acclaimed production of the trilogy consolidates Guth’s international reputation as one of the most sought-afterstage directors of our time. Among his other major successes are Der fliegende Holländer in Bayreuth and Luisa Miller at the Bavarian State Opera.

Guth assembles a superb ensemble of young singers who toy with love and trust under the cynical gaze of ringmaster Bo Skovhus’ Don Alfonso and his foxy, temperamental sidekick Despina, played by fiery young soprano Patricia Petitbon. Baritone Florian Boesch and tenor Topi Lehtipuu ideally complement their frisky partners Miah Persson and Isabel Leonard.

Conductor Adam Fischer keeps the tempi brisk and the Wiener Philharmoniker on their toes in his layered reading of the score.

Production: US | EUROARTS
Runtime: 1:39:36

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