Title Of Album: Forever And A Day
Year Of Release: 2015
Country: Germany
Genre: Rocumentary
Quality: BDMV/AVC
Video: MPEG2 H264 1920 × 1080(1.78:1)
Audio: German DTS-HD MA 5.1 / 48 kHz / 4181 kbps / 24-bit (DTS Core: 5.1 / 48 kHz / 1509 kbps / 24-bit)
Full Size:27.3Gb

• For one and a half years, renowned filmmaker Katja von Garnier accompanied the SCORPIONS on what was originally supposed to be the band’s farewell tour. The resulting documentary, “Forever And A Day”, follows the band on the road from Bangkok to Moscow, and culminates in SCORPIONS’ decision to scrap their retirement plans, deciding instead to mark their 50th anniversary in 2015 with a new tour, a new album and the “Forever And A Day” movie.

• It’s the ’80s: your hair is big, your jeans, acid washed. You’re at a concert, and your lighter is in the air. The Scorpions are playing your song, 1984’s “Rock You Like a Hurricane,” which from this point forward will be your go-to karaoke selection. Though the Scorpions are one of the most iconic symbols of ’80s arena rock, with a name evoking the landscape of the American southwest and an arsenal of mega anthems and power ballads (“Wind of Change,” “Still Loving You”), the band has actually been in existence since 1965 (!) and hails from Hanover, Germany. The group has sold well over 20 million albums, and are one of the biggest rock acts to successfully crossover from Europe into the States, and beyond. ‘Forever and a Day’ is the story of how the group is still rocking today—on the heels of its 50th Anniversary Tour—sprinkled with footage from the early years, including a historic visit with Mikhail Gorbachev at the Kremlin. Founding guitarist Rudolf Schenker—with the group for its entire 50-year-run—says that the group, on what was to be its farewell tour in 2011 and 2012, decided to cancel plans for retirement in light of massive fan turnout. “Seeing all these old fans, the new fans coming, everything was sold out,” he says. The seasoned rock vets “understood that the time wasn’t right to retire.”

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